Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

  There are not many tickets, but the counselor still encourages the students in the class to go as much as possible.

  This time at the music festival, the computer department of their school took over the drone performance of the concert, the song and dance performance of the art department, and the host of the branch venue.

  This person is in their class...

  After the excited and proud atmosphere was exaggerated, everyone's eyes turned to Lu Song.

  When the applause started, Lu Song stood up with a smile on his face, nodded in a neutral manner to the people in several directions, and glanced contemptuously at Ling Ziyou.

  The counselor is twenty-eight or nineteen years old, with a heart-to-heart style of making friends with classmates, and mysteriously telling the gossip he got.

  Sure and sure, festival special guest Rik will be there.

  There is also the most popular white tea on the Internet recently, who posted on Weibo that he would participate in the music festival, and there is a 90% chance that this person is from their school.

  The two explosive news caused the students in the audience to explode, scrambling to raise their hands to buy tickets.

  The ticket held by the counselor is the official internal price given to the school by the music festival, 200 per ticket. If you can't get it, you can go to the official website to buy it yourself.

  The counselor preached so much, and all the tickets in his hand were sold out in less than half a minute.

  Everyone spent the whole lesson in excitement.

  It's just that Ling Ziyou is swiping his phone on his own. He actually didn't want to return Ning Jie's money, but he wanted to save face.

  With a single tap of the wallet, it was back to before liberation.

  He needs to take on some work in a short time to subsidize his wallet.

  Ling Ziyou wandered around the Internet to see if there was any suitable job.

  At the same time, several elite seniors and professors from the Department of Computer Science were anxiously stamping their feet at the computers in their laboratory.

  It took them nearly half a month, and the debugged drone performance program was attacked by an unknown hacker, and now it is just a bunch of garbled characters.

  Several teachers are rescuing, repairing and tracing the source IP of the attack. After several hours of busy work, there was no progress. Everyone's faces were full of sorrow, and they had already moved the idea of ​​​​activating a backup performance plan that followed the rules.

  Ling Ziyou flicked the screen of his mobile phone, and suddenly a message box for accepting tasks popped up.

  Seeing that it was a programming order, and the amount was as high as 100,000, he took the job without even thinking about it.


  Regarding the music festival, the discussions among the students after class continued.

  Several students in the class gathered together and lamented that they hadn't gotten a ticket, and there were no tickets on the official website.

  Lu Song spoke up at this time, saying that he was the host. The venue gave him a few tickets, and students who want it can find him.

  From the beginning of the class to the end of the class, almost all the students in the class moved, only the old monk Ling Ziyou sat in meditation, which made Lu Song stare a few more times.

  Why didn't Ling Ziyou come to beg him!

  He must know, like he got the place in the English competition, he needs to go to the major shows to observe others.

  Just because of Lu Song's few glances, his brainless fan went online.

          A few classmates headed by Jiang Zhenzhen gathered around his desk, waving tickets in their hands, and said in a malicious tone.

  "Ling Ziyou, I heard that you are working as a nurse and have a fiancé who moves bricks. Your family is not so poor that you can't even afford a ticket, right?"

  "If you don't have money to buy a ticket, you can tell us! We are all classmates!"

  Ling Ziyou looked at them blankly, "What do you want to do?"

  "Give you two choices, either give up your place in the English competition, or kneel down and kowtow to us a few times, and I will give you a ticket generously, how about it?"

  Ling Ziyou felt that there was something wrong with the brains of these bears.

  "Kowtow for a ticket? Jingwei filled the sea with less water than your brain!"

  Ling Ziyou reached out for his schoolbag, took out a few tickets, and fanned them away with a swish.


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