Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

  Ling Ziyou: "..."

  There was another moment of silence.

  The venue manager happened to be in front of Ling Ziyou, "Who is here to resell the scalper tickets? You?"

  The venue manager directly took the ticket from Ling Ziyou's hand, "The ticket is confiscated! Let me go!"

  "Hey? What's going on with Ziyou? Who are you! Why did you confiscate my ticket!"

  Although Ji Feng didn't understand what was going on, he was not an idiot, so he stretched out his hand to get the ticket back. There was only a tearing sound, and one of the tickets was torn in half.

  "It's over, the Dilemma is torn and can't be scanned anymore."

  Ji Feng exploded on the spot, "You are sick, why are you tearing up my ticket!"

  The venue manager said with a sullen face, "Scalpers are not welcome here, please leave here immediately, otherwise we will hand over to the police immediately!"

  "Then call the police! It's not illegal to buy scalper tickets, it's illegal to sell scalper tickets. I paid five times the price for this ticket!"

  The venue manager was stunned for a moment, with a hesitant look on his face, "Who did you just say was selling scalpers here?"

  Everyone turned their attention to Ling Ziyou, who was calling the police.

  There are patrolling police near the square, and the police can be dispatched within two minutes at the fastest!

  After hanging up the phone, Ling Ziyou said expressionlessly, "My manager, I'm not a ticket dealer, but someone slandered me as a ticket dealer! I've already called the police, and the police will come right away!"

  The venue manager was speechless for a moment, looking at everyone.

  Everyone shook their heads. The young man has been obediently queuing up without saying a word. How did he become an annoying ticket dealer?

  Ji Feng Miao understood the ins and outs of the matter, and smiled angrily, "I bought this ticket for him!"

  The venue manager was really confused, but the blame was subconscious, "Who of you just said that he was a scalper? You!"

  Lu Song's expression became flustered, but the venue manager was impressed by him because he was dressed too flamboyantly.

  "You just said it! How can you slander others as scalpers and mislead us to do things!"

  Lu Song's face was slightly red, and everyone's eyes were slapped on his face, but he couldn't argue for himself.

  Jiang Zhenzhen stepped forward, "He is a scalper. Last time he sold a stack of tickets. We all saw it. His tickets were in his bag, but he didn't take them out. You search his bag, there must be one!"

  The venue manager couldn't stand it any longer, "Searching for bags is illegal! You come here as soon as you open your mouth!"


  "Do you want to see this?" Ling Ziyou, who hadn't said much, suddenly took a document from his bag, and said calmly, "This is the report receipt. Whether it's a ticket dealer or not, the police will have their own conclusions when they come. Now I want to know how to pay for the torn ticket?"

  The venue manager looked at the receipt, then at the torn ticket in his hand, his face became more and more ugly.

  At this time, the police also came over, Ling Ziyou walked over and briefly explained the matter.

  Jiang Zhenzhen's face turned from red to white, staring at the receipt.

  This is impossible!

  Seeing the police's negotiation, the manager of the venue quickly apologized to Ling Ziyou, with a gentle and humble tone:

  "Sorry, I tore up your ticket by mistake. Do you have an electronic receipt for this ticket, I can ask the official to re-do..."

  "Stop! I'm in a hurry! I don't have time to issue any new tickets to you! Compensation, I don't want this ticket! I told the police officer about other things, and I can do whatever the police officer says!"

  Ling Ziyou nodded politely to the two policemen, then looked at Ji Feng.

  "Monsoon, I've got you lined up! I'll call you later! I'll go first!"

  "Oh! Ah? Where are you going?" The ticket check hasn't started yet!

  Ling Ziyou waved his hand, walked to the special passage aside, took out the special pass, and swiped the card directly.

  Monsoon: "...."


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