Chapter 2

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Aarya POV:

The next day, my alarm rudely interrupted my peaceful slumber. With a groggy feeling, I rubbed my eyes, secretly wishing I could just snuggle back under the cozy blanket. Reality hit, though – no more sleep; it was time to tackle the day. I dragged myself out of bed, and after a quick battle with the snooze button, I finally managed to get up.

I shuffled to the kitchen, a bit sleepy-eyed, to prepare breakfast and pack a tiffin box for the day ahead. The aroma of coffee brewing slowly pulled me into wakefulness. Despite the initial reluctance, the routine of morning chores became a familiar dance. In about five minutes, I transformed from a reluctant riser to someone ready to face the day.

After finishing my morning routine, I chose a simple yet comfortable outfit – jeans and a top – to get ready for the day. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of readiness, a silent affirmation that I could handle whatever the day had in store. With a last glance at the mirror, I headed out, armed with breakfast, a packed lunch, and a determination to make the most of the day ahead.

As I stepped out of my apartment, I hailed an auto to reach college. Finding myself a little early, I decided to explore the campus. During my wanderings, I stumbled upon a hidden gem – a small space surrounded by trees, offering a beautiful view. The tranquility of the place made it an instant favorite, and for a while, I enjoyed the solitude.

Suddenly, I realized it was almost time for my class, so I hurriedly made my way towards the building. In my rush, I collided with what I thought was a wall. Bracing for impact, I closed my eyes, but surprisingly, I didn't fall. Opening my eyes, I discovered it wasn't a wall but a person.

The guy, chuckled and said, "Hey young lady, I know everyone wants to fall for me, but you don't have to actually fall down." Feeling a bit embarrassed, I quickly apologized, saying, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

He being cool about it, responded, "No worries, it's my mistake too. And beautiful girl, don't need to apologize. Let me tell you something – you are very beautiful and unique."

I replied, "Thanks, but I have to go. I'm getting late for my class." Veer, being friendly, said, "Chill yaar, let me introduce myself. I'm Veer, and I'm in the 3rd year. What's your beautiful name?" I smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Veer. I'm Aarya, in the 1st year, but I'm actually gonna be late. Talk to you later, bye." With that, I hurriedly rushed to my classroom, leaving Veer and his friendly introduction behind.

I hurried to my class and found Pari already seated in the last row. I quickly went towards her and took a seat. "Hey bestie, why are you late?" Pari asked. I replied, "Hi Pari, actually, I came early and decided to take a tour of the college. But during the tour, I lost track of time. Then I rushed to class and accidentally collided with Veer."

Pari laughed, "Oh, the classic college adventure! Exploring places and unexpected encounters. Tell me more about this collision with Veer. Anything interesting happen?" She leaned in, curious about the little escapade I had before class.

I shared the details of my unexpected encounter with Veer, emphasizing his playful comment about everyone falling for him. Pari laughed and said, "Well, well! Seems like you're having quite the adventurous start to college life. Veer is a character, for sure. Keep me updated on your college escapades, bestie!" We continued chatting, eagerly awaiting the start of the day's classes, our laughter echoing in the classroom.

"Pari, it's not like that," I quickly interjected, wanting to clarify. "The collision with Veer was just a funny accident. I didn't mean to make the morning so eventful. But hey, at least it added a bit of spice to the usual routine. College life, right?" Pari smiled,

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