I ━ the best is yet to come.

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           NIKO'S EYES DART back in forth between the dazzling sights of the circus and the passing figures to find her friend who was the one who made plans to come to the traveling circus. Niko sighs irritably as she pulls her jacket closer to her mid-section, hoping that it'll provide much-needed warmth. It doesn't as her teeth chatter and Niko tries not to grimace at the sound her teeth make as she takes hold of her phone, flipping it open and dialing her friend's number.

Niko presses it to her ear before keeping it there with her shoulder as she stuffs her hands under her jacket and armpits for security from the chilling wind. The phone rings for one too many seconds before her friend picks up, who grumbles incoherently in Niko's ear. She frowns and asks, "Where are you? I've been waiting for you for thirty minutes and you're a-no-show."

Niko looks up at the blinking lights of the carousel in front of her, she rolls her eyes as her friend casually lies about being in the car in traffic as Niko hears the sleepiness seep into their tone. She grins, unamused as she flippantly states, "You're such a liar, why did I even agree to this if you were going to leave me hanging?"

Her friend stammers and before they can apologize or most likely; lie even more, Niko stops them and threatens, "You better get here in the next thirty minutes or I'm leaving." She clicks her phone closed before her friend can say anything more and turns away from the carousel, as Niko does she looks up at the night sky and breathes in the crisp cold air. The freezing air burns her throat but it feels good to be outside even if it's filled with a bunch of strangers surrounding her.

Looking around, Niko realizes that she thoroughly dislikes the circus not because of clowns or anything about the food nor the events. She dislikes it simply for the reason she has no idea of what to do, that's why she wanted her friend here to drag her around. Her friend that stood her up. At the thought of her friend once more, she rolls her eyes and knows she's going to continue to bring up this disappointing event just for the sake of teasing.

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