The professor - Part 9 - Tommy x Alfie x Reader

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"As you can both see, it is a pretty simple agreement." (Y/n) said, as Tommy and Alfie looked over the paperwork that the Professor had brought with her.

"For the use of the all the ports in the northwest and northeast, that are under my control, I ask for twenty five percent of the exports, and the same of imports. For that, I will ensure that your goods are protected and pass through customs without inspection either here, or at their destinations. That includes the eastern ports of the US, Europe and Ireland. If you have need for particular kinds of ships, I will be able to organise those, with more than competent crews; that neither ask questions, nor give answers. Your goods will be transported under the names of companies that do not exist, other than on paper; companies, that if the unforeseen does occur, will not be able to be connected back to you or myself, by the authorities. So, if you need any legal advisors to look things over, please do that; though I can assure you that everything is correct and there is no small print that you need to concern yourself with. But please do not feel pressured to sign now, I and a few of my people will be staying in the Queen's Hotel for the next three or four days. Perhaps both of you, and the other members of your family, Mister Shelby, would care to join me for drinks there, tomorrow evening...............?" (Y/n) said, as she finally got up from her seat. Smoothing down her dress before looking over to John, who scurried, like an obedient hound, over to her, with her fur coat and helped her on with it. John giving her yet another one of his smiles, as she looked at him over her shoulder.

"Shall we say........eight o'clock.........? Nothing formal, of course, just.........get to know you, drinks." The Professor continued, as she turned her attention from the younger Shelby, back to Tommy and Alfie. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from chuckling, as Alfie took the half moon spectacles from the end of his nose, and brushed his hand over his beard, thoughtfully; while Tommy took out another cigarette from the box on top of his desk and lit it. This the tenth cigarette he had lit since she had taken a seat. Not that she had been counting.

"That is very nice of you............." Tommy agreed, as he rose from his chair. Turning his eyes to Alfie, who leant back, and took his wide brimmed hat from his head, combing his fingers through his hair, before simply smiling at the only woman in the room.

"Excellent. Well, until tomorrow evening. But for now, if I could have the use of a telephone, I would like my chauffeur to come and collect me.........."

"I can take ya..................." Arthur offered, as he stepped forward.

"Oh no, I couldn't. Though it is very nice of you to offer; I am sure that you have far better things to do with the rest of your day. That, and driving me around is what I pay Samuel for.........." (Y/n) replied. Doing her best to not laugh, as she saw the disappointed look on the oldest Shelby's face.


She sat in the back of the Rolls Royce, going over what had happened in the betting shop office. After a rather average cup of Orange Pekoe tea, (Y/n) had said goodbye to the man from London, as well as the Shelby brothers and their aunt. Giving the men her best, and most seductive smile, before Samuel had helped her into the car. And now, all she could do, was think.

It didn't matter if Tommy or Alfie did get a solicitor to look over her contract; as with all such things, she had ensured that it was simple and to the point, for she trusted no one but herself to write up such things. (Y/n) more than sure that her knowledge of the law was better than most of the King's Councils and judges, that stalked the courtrooms of the Old Bailey. And she had been glad that when she had mentioned requiring twenty five percent of the imports and exports, no one seemed to argue. No, her thoughts were on the two men. On Alfie and Tommy. On the best course of action, to keep them in line. To keep the Londoner from thinking of betraying her, as he had done the Shelby's in the past. Sure, that she would have to deal with the unpredictable and untrustworthy Solomons, in a very different way than she would deal with Thomas Shelby. That it would pay to win over the rest of the Shelby clan; the Professor doubting that she would have to try too hard to impress Arthur and John, though their aunt Polly would take a little more work. Yet that could wait until tomorrow evening. For now, she had other things to deal with; other enquires to make. (Y/n) having more irons in the fire than just those of Shelby and Solomon. A smile coming to her lips, as her car pulled up out of the front of a large Georgian mansion. The butler and a few other members of the household staff rushing out to meet her; followed by an older man dressed in a rather fine tweed suit.

"(Y/n), my dear..........." The old man said, as the door to the Rolls was opened and she was helped out.

"Lord Emery. I am so happy that you could spare me some of your valuable time................."

"You can have as much of my time as you like, my dear. Though I am afraid that the Prime Minister is running a little late. So, why don't you and I have a drink in the meantime.........?"

"I thought you would never ask." (Y/n) smiled, as she allowed the peer of the realm to lead her into the large house. 

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