Arthur's shadow - Part 6 - Isaiah x Reader

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Arthur sat in the Garrison, his fingers drumming on the table in front of him. Normally he would be enjoying the festivities, just like everyone else. He would be as loud and lairy as all the other guests in the establishment, for his aunt's birthday celebrations; but since she had stormed out of the pub, his mind had been solely on his youngest sister.

When she and Finn had been born, Arthur was already old enough that he could have been their father, himself. So, when their own father had abandoned all of them, he had found that he had placed himself into that role, for his baby sister. For the little girl that had thought he was the greatest thing in the world. For the little girl whose first word, had been his name. The little girl that would hold his hand and look up at him as if he were the sun, moon and stars, combined. And not that he would ever admit this to anyone; but when he, Tommy and John had got on the train to go to war, he had had to leave his brothers and make his way to the toilet. John locking the door behind him and crying; crying at the thought he might never see his little (Y/n) again. At the fact that him having to leave her, had caused her to cry herself. The returning soldier never having been happier to see anyone in his whole life, as he had been when (Y/n) had pushed her way through the crowd to get to him. Arthur having to force himself not to cry again, as the pair had just stood there on the platform, holding one another. The oldest Shelby son, swearing that he would never leave her again; that he would never let anyone hurt her. The only time that he had broken that promise, was when he had met their father at a bare-knuckle fight and had invited him to the house for lunch. The terror in her eyes, as Arthur senior, had taken her chin in his hand and told her that she was very beautiful, seemingly going unnoticed until Tommy had arrived home and pulled (Y/n) behind him. The young girl gripping to Tommy, as she would normally cling to Arthur. And now, as he sat there surrounded by all the revelries, Arthur felt like he was letting her down, again. That he should have scolded John and Finn, for saying what they had said. It should have been him that had gone after her, and not Isaiah. Neither of them having returned to the pub since they had both left. The older Shelby quickly drinking down the shot in his hand, before getting to his feet and grabbing his coat.

"Where ya goin?" Tommy asked, as he looked up at his older sibling. His brows furrowing as a sober Arthur pulled on his long coat.

"Ta find (Y/n) and bring her back. Get these two ta apologise." Arthur explained, as he looked at John and Finn. It obvious that the pair were currently beyond forming their own names, never mind a coherent apology; but as Arthur made his way to the door, Tommy knew that there was little point in arguing.


The house on Watery Lane, that would normally be quiet when the family were out celebrating, was suddenly filled with the sound of giggling; (Y/n) half-heartedly protesting and struggling against Isaiah's grip, as he held onto her wrists and pushed her into the mattress beneath. Neither of them had intended for it to end up like this. Well, that was what they were both going to tell everyone, if they were found out. Yet they had known that it was inevitable after the kiss they had shared. They had both been waiting for this night, for a long time; the chance to finally be together, without the family, without Arthur being an ever watching presence. The kissing that had begun on the old sofa in the main room, quickly progressing to Isaiah carrying (Y/n) to her room. The two undressing as fast as they could, before Issy had pushed her backwards; the youngest Shelby girl balling up her fists in the sheets beneath her naked body, as Isaiah moved her legs up over her shoulders.

"I love you................" Isaiah said, as he let go of her wrists, and placed his hands on either side of her head; (Y/n) looked up at him in disbelief. For so long she had wanted to say that to him; yet she had always feared that Issy wouldn't feel the same. That their friendship would be ruined because she had not been able to control her emotions; but here he was telling her. Here he was voicing the feelings that she had had for him for so long.

"I love you too, Issy..........." (Y/n) replied, as she placed her hand on his cheek. Isaiah smiling down at her, before his lips met hers. The two nearly jumping out of their skins, as the door to her room was kicked open.


Arthur made his way down the street. He knew his sister better than anyone, and if there was anywhere that (Y/n) would go if she was pissed at one of them; usually Finn, it would be her room, at home. Arthur finding her there on more than occasion after the twins had had an argument. The older man never able to tell (Y/n) why Finn hated her so much; but if truth be told, he put it down to jealousy. A jealousy that had just grown over the years. Arthur rounding the corner onto Watery Lane and making his way down to the house, hoping that Isaiah just hadn't been able to find her, and that she would be curled up on her bed with a book. But as he got to the front door, he heard a noise; a noise that sounded as though it had come from (Y/n). The oldest Shelby quickly pushing his key into the lock and throwing the door open, as he heard a click. Arthur pulling his gun from under his jacket as he bounded up the stairs, two at a time; and as he got to the door of (Y/n)'s room, used his boot to kick it in; his eyes widening as he saw a very naked Isaiah and his sister wrapped up in nothing but a sheet from her bed, looking back at him.

"I'm gonna fuckin kill ya..............." 

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