Case 1 - Introduction

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As I sit here, the steady patter of rain a familiar backdrop to my thoughts, I can't help but reflect on the case that truly began it all for me.

"The Ghost's Retribution," they called it. It was my first real test, a case that demanded more from me than I initially thought I had to offer.

I remember the way the city looked that day, the relentless rain blurring the neon lights, creating a canvas of flickering colors on the wet streets. It was almost beautiful, in fact.

Looking back, I realize it wasn't just about solving a mystery or bringing a culprit to justice. It was about proving to myself that I could do this, that I wasn't just playing at being a detective. It was about finding my footing in a world that seemed intent on swallowing me whole.

I didn't know it then, but it was the case that would set the stage for everything that came after. It was the case that made me realize that, despite the odds, I belonged to the shadows and secrets of Kanai Ward. It wasn't just about the thrill of the chase or the satisfaction of solving a puzzle. It was about finding a semblance of truth in a city that thrives on lies.

It's funny, in a way. I didn't emerge from that case with all the answers, nor did I expect to. But I did come away with something far more valuable—a sense of purpose, and the realization that, maybe, just maybe, I could make a difference in this rain-soaked city.

But enough blabbering...
Let's send you on your merry way, huh ?

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