Prologue - Rainy Days

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The soft pitter patter of the rain against the glass.

As always.


Yuma found him in the dimly lit confines of a cafe in Ginnen District. By now, it had been about a month since his arrival—a month of navigating the city's treacherous underbelly, its streets awash with secrets and sorrow. As he sipped his drink, the warmth barely cutting through the chill of his thoughts, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer improbability of his continued existence in this place. How could a detective exist where truth didn't matter ?

Beside him, barely noticed by the other patrons, Shinigami floated, her form a shifting, ethereal presence that only he could perceive. Her gaze, too, was fixed on the world beyond the rain-streaked window, a silent observer to the despair that clung to the city like a second skin.

"The city's been buried under Amaterasu's shadow," Yuma mused aloud, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "And the people... they're suffering. The Peacekeepers’ reign—it's like a heavy boot on the chest, snuffing out hope before it can even take a breath."

He paused, his gaze lingering on the relentless downpour that seemed to encapsulate the city's plight. "This city has never seen the sun. And if things keep going the way they are, it never will."

The weight of his words hung in the air.
He knew all too well that words couldn't express what he had seen.

"There's very little I can do to save this city," he admitted, the hint of a challenge in his voice. "But I want to do the most I can do."

As he reflected on the past month, a cascade of memories and encounters flashed through his mind—faces, voices, murders and mysteries.

But despite the strides he had made, the core of his own mystery remained elusive, shrouded in the mists of his forgotten past.

"I still have no idea what brought me here in the first place. I don't know why I wanted to become a detective, and I'm not sure if I have what it takes to be one," The words tasted bitter as they tripped on the tip of his tongue.

Yet, as he pondered the path that had led him to this moment, a sense of purpose began to crystallize within him. It was not the certainty of knowing but the resolve to seek, to question, and to challenge that guided him.

"But it's the path that the 'me' of before took. And I will follow it," he declared, a newfound determination lighting his eyes. "I may not know much, but I do know this—I want to expose the truths I find. Maybe, just maybe, that's how I can save this city. In my own way."

Shinigami watched silently as he went on. Usually, this would be the moment where she'd say something dumb, or witty in an attempt to drive him completely crazy. But not today.
Not now.

She just smiled, almost proud of him.

As they stepped out of the cafe, the chill of the rain-washed air wrapped around them, a stark reminder of the world beyond the warmth of their brief respite. Yuma shrugged into his raincoat, the fabric rustling softly against his movements, and settled his hat firmly on his head, a shield against the relentless downpour that characterized life in Kanai Ward.

"I'm not a rookie now, either," Yuma said, breaking the silence as they navigated the rain-slicked streets. "I've already solved quite a few cases."

Shinigami, ever the spectral companion, floated beside him, her form barely disturbed by the rain. "None were solved by you alone, y'know." she reminded him, her voice carrying a playful edge.

Yuma sighed, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth despite the jab. "Your faith in me is overwhelming," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm as they continued their walk through the city.

The streets of Kanai Ward unfurled before them, a labyrinth of shadows and secrets, but Yuma felt an uncharacteristic sense of belonging. "Kanai Ward has given me a purpose," he said aloud, his thoughts wandering to the myriad paths his life had taken since his arrival. "It's made me meet people I could call family, amongst the Nocturnal Detective Agency. And for that, I need to repay this city."

Their journey took them through the heart of the ward, past neon signs that flickered with the promise of escape and alleyways that whispered of hidden dangers. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a sense of camaraderie, a shared struggle that bound the inhabitants of this dystopian enclave together.

As they wandered, Yuma's resolve deepened, a silent vow to those he had come to consider family and to the city that had, against all odds, become his home. The rain continued to fall, a constant companion in their journey through the night, but for a moment, Yuma paused, removing his hat to let the cool droplets cascade over him.

"It's strange," he said, his voice barely above the murmur of the rain. "In a city that's never known the sun, I've found a light. In the people, in the fight for something better. Maybe that's why I wanted to be a detective, too—not just to solve cases, but to understand the heart of this city, its pain, and its hope."

Shinigami watched him with an unimpressed gaze, this time.
"How cliché can you get, Master ?"

Yuma chuckled at the remark, turning to look at Shinigami in the eyes.
"You're right, nothing very original here. But hey, my partner is a purple wisp shaped death god that desperatly craves for attention. I think that's special enough !"

"Hey ! Watch your mouth, won't you ? You would've never gone this far without yours truly, Master."

"Indeed. But that's also why we make such a great team, no ?" Yuma mused, still smirking at Shinigami.
"And we're clearly not done here. Even if you're basically the reason for my troubles, I hope you'll stay my partner."

Shinigami started rolling around in the air like a dog. "Yes ! Yes, yes, yes ! Continue flattering me !"

Yuma rolled his eyes.
"God, you're hopeless."

Rain Code : Eye of the StormOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz