Chapter 7

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Naina P.O.V

Constant ringing of my phone interrupted my peaceful sleep...
"Argh"! Removing my right hand from the duvet still eyes closed..
I was searching for my mobile...

After stopping, for a moment it's again started ringing..
Being annoyed , I picked up and without seeing caller id  answer the  call.

"Hello" my voice was sleepy...

"Oye , what hello just come here as soon as possible we are waiting for you"!

"Aa " who is this?
I was still half sleepy

"Naina Mathur "!  You sleepy head it's already 11 : 00 am ...we  are waiting for you in the cafe.Now can you please hurry...
I  heard Trisha shouting...

Her loud voice, woke me up totally..I looked at the phone which was disconnected.. after thinking for sometime . I remember we are meeting today to discuss about our weekend plan...

"Oh , shit how can I sleep for so  long... But what can I do..
After the party was over, I received the call from Maan.. who was asking me about the party.. We talked till midnight..So I slept late..

Come on ,  Naina run otherwise, Sanjana and Trisha will definitely kill you...
Quickly I rush to the bathroom to shower and got ready..

Within 30  minutes
I was ready...I rushed out ... They were no one in the living room.. it's already late everyone  have gone for their work.
I will have my breakfast in cafe

Quickly, I asked driver to drive me to the cafe...

I reached the cafe , and rushed inside was noon .so not many people were present ..
So it was easy for me to find them..

In a swift motion , I was in front of them

"Hello, Good morning..I wished both my friends smilingly..

"Really, good morning it is good afternoon...doll Sanjana replied sarcastically.. Trisha glared at me

"Sorry, sorry.... Babe's I did not get up early.. as I slept late.. next time it will not happen..i  said holding my ear showing my sad pout to them...
Hope so it will work..

"Okay, okay but there  will be no next time..
Sanjana said looking all serious...

I nodded at her .and started to search a particular person...

"Radhika mom  is in pantry making a list for the kitchen.. Sanjana informed me..

Actually this cafe belong to my mother..

My mother is a top chef , her culinary skills is very great..
From very young age , she liked cooking.. she had learnt many different cuisine..
She travelled many countries  to learn ...

During  one of  her  trip , she met my father..and love blossom between them

Her dream to open her own place was always her goal. But later she decided to be a barista. My father's always encouraged her

But when she fulfilled her dream, my father was not there with her , to see her goal accomplished
she opened her own cafe  with her own hardwork , this  cafe is  very popular among the youth...
I am very proud and happy for her .. Being a single parent was not an easy task, but she made it ...
She. was so young,  when she  fall in love and. married my father..her family opposed her marriage and tried to break the marriage... But my  mother didn't left him. Her parents broke all the ties with her.My father tried to pacify the thing, perhaps it didn't work.

My parents were  very happy with each other their  happiness got doubled, when I was born

.. But destiny was cruel on my mother, when she thought everything is going to be perfect
  Suddenly she got the news of my father accident ..And he  died  on the spot
.The sad part was my mother didn't got to see  his dead  body also ...Arnav papa ( father) inform it was badly burned  in the accident . It was such a difficult phase  of  her life  and hardly she was 26 .. but she stood strong and determined..

Undesirable  Love ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora