11. Runion

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"My head was warm
My skin was soaked
I called your name 'til the fever broke
When I awoke
The moon still hung
The night so black that the darkness hummed"


After what feels like forever of walking aimlessly, searching for Peeta as I call out his name, I finally find him.

"Don't step on me." His voice can be heard. It's clear his throat is dry, and he sounds incredibly weak.

"Peeta? Where are you?" I question, looking around.

"Down here." He mutters. I look down, and audibly gasp as his eyes peer up from the mud bank.

He had submerged himself in between the water and mud, covering himself up with rock and moss. And he said the camouflage wouldn't have been useful.

I drop down to my knees, taking in the sight next to me.

"You here to finish me off, sweetheart?" He croaks and a flood of emotions washes through me.

"I thought you said the camouflage wouldn't have been useful. Close your eyes again." I instruct, watching in awe as he does so. He blends in perfectly with the ground, and I can't help but let out a laugh. "You're something else."

"I've come to terms." Is all he says, opening his eyes again.

"Come to terms?" I question, then it dawns on me.

"Peeta, you're not going to die here."

"Says who?"

"Me. We're in this together now, you know. Or did the mud block out the announcement?" I tilt my head, pulling my water from my bag. He sounds painfully dehydrated. I begin to clear the mud from his face, helping him drink some water before he speaks again.

"No, no. I heard. Nice of you to come find my remains." He states sarcastically.

Without another word, I help him up out of the mud, noting the awful shape he's in. He's wincing and curling in pain, and I can only assume it's because of Cato.

"Cato got to you, hm?" I hum out. He nods.

"Where?" I ask, trying to spot the wound amongst the midst of the mud caked onto his clothes.

"Left upper thigh." He mutters, leaning down weakly onto the ground. He must not have moved for days with how his limbs are like jelly under his weight.

"Yeesh. Bad aim, or on purpose?" I question aloud. Peeta sighs and stares up at me. "Lean down real quick, I need to tell you something."

I stare at him curiously, but do as he says.

"Remember, we're madly in love, so it's okay to kiss me any time you feel like it." He whispers into my ear, and I pull back, my eyebrows furrowed as I laugh nervously. Madly in love? Since when was that a thing?

Was he talking about the rooftop? Or was he meaning when he had publicly announced that he had a thing for me? Were we supposed to be playing some kind of star crossed lovers for the audience?

Is that why he was with the careers? I shake the plaguing thoughts away, focusing back on the present.

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind. Now, let's get you washed up." I nod to him as he lays on the ground beside me.

"Go easy on me?" He asks and I can't help but smile slightly.

"I'll try my best." is all I say, working to get him leaned against a rock as he lets out gasps and groans of pain. I try to be gentle, but there's not much else I can do.

Deep in the Meadow - Peeta Mellark X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now