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Gloria placed the plates on the table, then poured each one of us a glass of coffee.
Anthony didn't look up at me not one time.

I felt so uneasy.

Anthony wasn't attractive at all to me.
He had a gap, big lips, and was skinny as a stick.
No muscle tone.
He also had a huge mole on his left eyebrow.

I never understood why Gloria, as pretty as she was, wanted him.

It could be the money, because he had it, but that's all he had.

The man had 3 baby mommas and 6 other kids besides Isaiah.

Gloria kissed Anthony on the lips, then sat down next to him.

I almost threw up.
I knew his big'ol lips smelled like my pussy.

"That party was so cool last night yall." Gloria smiled as she reminisced.
I nodded, "I had a good time. I'm still a little hung over, I'm sorry, but I can't help you clean today bestie." I sighed, placing my hand on my head.

"I can make you a bloody marry like we used to do in high school!" She was joyed.

I giggled, "No, that's ok ...I'm good with just this breakfast. Thanks though. And again, I'm happy for both of you and your marriage."
I looked over at Anthony and rolled my eyes.

Gloria was looking down at her plate.
Anthony licked his lips at me, grinned, then stuck some eggs in his mouth.

"Ew." I accidentally said out loud.

Gloria looked up at me.

Isaiah repeated what I said, "Ewwww."

"What's wrong?" Gloria asked, "You don't like my food?"

"No..no..I mean..it's not that...I,was just thinking about something gross."

Gloria looked at me baffled.

"Anyways...I gotta get ready for work." Anthony got up from the table and then burped really loudly, "See you later babe." He kissed her forehead, then playfully punched Isaiah in the arm.
Isaiah giggled .

As he walked off, he brushed the side of my arm, looked back, and gave me an evil stare.

I was disgusted.

"I just love that man...." She blushed, "He is definitely my soul mate."

I secretly rolled my eyes.
I wanted to tell her, but I was so afraid to loose her as a friend.
We had been friends since freshman year in high school.

I got up from the table after playing over my plate.
I suddenly wasn't hungry.
My stomach started turning.

"Ok Glo...I gotta go." I downed my coffee, the little I had left, then ran over to give her a huge tight hug.

"Now? Why? Isaiah and I will be scared." She joked.
I laughed, "I'll call you when I get home...I got to go to work tonight."
She gave me a puppy dog lip, "Ok..call me to let me know you made it."

I kissed Isaiah on top of his forehead, then hurried upstairs to pack my small bag of clothing.

I hopped in my Toyota, and then jumped on the Dan Ryan expressway.
For some reason, it was a lot of traffic.

I couldn't get my mind right.

Not only was I hung over, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Anthony did.
I was still wet between my legs.
I couldn't deny how good his head felt.

Tandem-A urban Tale Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt