Vote for which story you want

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Vote for the story you want next. The options are:

Villain, Superhero, Cop, and Sibling - A family of alternating characters find that their actions have put them on opposing sides, and when it causes the fate of one of there family members to be but on the line, they are forced to choose between their family or their values.

Doctorate, Not Doctor [Done] - What really happens when you put Dr. Bruce Banner aka the Hulk in charge of healing people.

When the Parents Are Away - Jason Todd (Red Hood) is put in charge of babysitting his siblings, the batfamily.

Why - What makes people enjoy life? Can a little villainy spark that joy?

Haunted Becky - A ghost has a little trouble scaring her new friend. (GL)

Are You Even a Wizard? - Percy Jackson accidentally gets confused as a wizard at Hogwarts.

Focus on other stories - That is also another option. I know I have a lot of stories going on, so if you have a specific one you want me to focus on that is also an option to vote for.

I'm going to finish them all eventually, but this way you can keep an eye on me and make sure I get them done sooner.

Tell me which one you're most excited for 😜. (Is there a winky face without their tong out? I looked but I couldn't find one, or one that looks like their whispering? This is vital people!!! I need this emoji!!!! Lol, it would be nice though 🙃.)

- @CinnamonRollBoss or Philo S. R.

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