No. We Are Fixing This.

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📝: Prequel to my fanfic crossover

Fandom: Marvel's Thor, and Loki (Marvel's TV series)

Reason: My mind started to wander when I was writing A Trial of Errors.

Rating: 13+ (Loki is suicidal)

Summery: Thor convinces Loki not to let go.


Loki hung on the edge of the rainbow bridge, his fingers slowly slipping as Thor tried to keep him from falling.

"No. This will not happen! Loki! What do you want? Your life is not worth this stupid argument! If you want to be king, so be it! I will not let you go! I do not care what you have done! I do not care that you are a frost giant! Just come home! Please, Loki, I will do anything!"

Thor gasped for air, his breathing labored not from holding Loki, but from crying. His tears dripping down on Loki. Loki could only watch them fall on him, his mouth open in wonder as his brother spoke words he had been wishing for, but felt he was not worthy of.

"I- anything??" Loki hesitantly said.

Thor shakily nodded, trying to calm his breathing to respond.

"Even- even stop father?" Loki held his breath trying not to bring his hopes up.

Thor sniffed, his nose starting to drip. That was something Loki did not want falling on to his face. The numb feeling that made him feel like nothing mattered. That it was better to fall and just die, cleared a little, and Loki blinked back a few tears.

"I will do anything for you Loki. You are my sibling, that means that we are a team. If you want me to punch Father, then I will make sure to give him a bloody nose." His voice was gravely and choked, and he kept on sniffing up his snot, but he was also full of conviction, and for once, Loki believed him.

"I- okay." Loki breathed out, he couldn't say any more. His energy spent, as Thor dragged him up.

Loki shivered hugging himself as he and Thor lay there gasping on the rainbow bridge, finally coming down from the roller coaster their emotions had taken them on. Frigga eventually ran out to her two children, throwing herself on the ground to rap her arms around Loki, sobbing and thanking the Norns and Thor for keeping Loki with them.

"Sweetheart, what happened!? Oh, my baby, my baby tell us what we can do to make this better. Please, Loki, we love you!"

Loki just sobbed, letting himself fall into his mother's arms. Things were not alright, and they would not be alright for a while...but, there was hope, and that was all Loki needed for now.

Beside him on the rainbow bridge, Thor cried harder at the fate he had just barely escaped, and at the future he had just been shown. Quietly he swore to himself that Loki would NEVER have to experience that kind of pain. That he would never feel the need to touch Midgard in that way, or loose his loved ones by his own hands, just to die a meaningless death. Green magic slowly left his eyes and Thor went to join the hug.

At the center of a tree of timelines, another Loki smiled, and wished his counterpart good luck.


In Asgards castle, Odin was being forcefully held back by Heimdall, screaming and spluttering about the atrocities Loki had committed and planning the bloody murder of his son.

Heimdall tightened his grip on Odin and watched the royal family talk things through from afar.

Hello, all! This is hopefully the first in a one-shot series about Loki, Not Your Loki's past from the A Trial of Errors. Loki, Not Your Loki is the main Loki in the series who has a much brighter past then Sacred Timeline Loki and this is just a series about why it's brighter.



How do you think a Loki with a stable relationship with their family would affect a timeline? (I was thinking about it and I might have just taken away most of the major plot points in the MCU.)

I might also have to redo this later cause I don't remember if Odin was there or not, or what their excuse was for Frigga not coming to help, or Heimdall.

- CinnamonRollBoss or Philo S. R.

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