Stupid mate pull

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In my next class, I received a reprieve from Ken Doll. I needed it to clear my head. I didn't get one minute for the haze to lift before my stupid mate graced the class with his presence. What in the actual frick?

Kendall sat down at the desk beside mine. I stared at him with pursed lips.

Kendall glanced at me. "Can I help you?"

"You're not even in this class. What are you doing here?"

Kendall leaned toward me as his warmth smacked me in the face. "I had the office change my schedule to yours."


"Because you're my mate."

"That means diddly squat."

"It does to my wolf. You remember the big hairy beast you ran from, don't you?"

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips. Did Ken Doll think changing his class schedule would help him? He was more delusional than the girls who ran around claiming a guy was theirs.

You've met those girls, right? They're the ones that think they're all that and a bag of chips. They're not.

Ken Doll leaned toward me. "You can fight the pull all you want, Nova Scotia, but it won't work."

"That's what you think." I smirked.

"Want to bet?"

"That's a trick question. If I agree to your stupid bet, I still get screwed."

Ken Doll rubbed his chin, knowing it won't bode well for him to screw me over. Did you see what happened the last time?

"Fine. How about you give me until Halloween to prove we belong together? If I fail, you can reject me."

"What if you win?"

"You have to accept me. Deal?" He held out his hand to me.

"Deal." I shook his hand and felt tingles shoot up my arm. I ripped my hand from his, rubbed my fingers, and thumbed together before lowering it. What the hell was that?


Nova could feel the pull but didn't understand it. Confusion flooded her face while she tried to deny the one thing she couldn't.

I sat in class and glanced at her every so often. Nova stared straight ahead, trying to avoid looking at me. It wouldn't matter if she kept avoiding me. The bond was much stronger than her resolve.

Once class ended, I stuck close to her.

"Why are you walking with me?"

"We have the same classes now."

"It doesn't mean I need a bodyguard. Don't you have some tramp to hook up with?"

I grabbed Nova's wrist and stopped her. "The only person I want is standing in front of me. Deal with it." My eyes flickered between black and brown. My wolf didn't like his mate disrespecting him.

Nova removed my hand from her wrist. "No offense, but you're not ordering me around, you big ape. So far, I'm inching closer to rejecting your stupid ass. So keep it up." She patted my chest and smirked before walking away.

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