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"You are Choi San, right?" The short guy with long hair that framed his smiley face asked, stopping tight in front of San's desk asked.

San nodded, pouting in confusion. Who was that boy and how did he know his name.

"It's nice to meet you! I am Wooyoung! I should have shown you the school today earlier, but I had an inconvenience and ended up getting late at school today." The boy explained. "But I guess you found your way around, right?" The boy elbowed San in a playful way, like they were old friends.

"I didn't know there was someone supposed to show me the school." San commented. "But someone helped me to find the right classes."

"Really? Who helped you?" Wooyoung asked, sitting at the desk beside San.

San thought about the blonde boy from early.

"I think his name was Yeosang." San commented.

"Oh Kang Yeosang? It was nice of him." Wooyoung said. "He is nice actually, just a bit shy."

"Are you friends with him?" San asked.

"I am friends with everyone." Wooyoung said with a big smile. "But I kind of know him, went to his house a few times. My father works for his father."

"Oh, cool." San said, and tried to end the conversation, but Wooyoung was in the mood for talk.

"So, since I was late earlier, I can show you the school during the lunch break or after classes end, which do you prefer?"

He was looking at San with an excited expression.

"After classes is good." San said, not trying to disappoint the boy.

"Cool! Show me your schedules, I can take you to your next class after this one end! I'll sit here with you, you can ask me anything if you have questions. You can also take my notes if you need."

San thought it was weird how that boy he just met was being so nice to him. In most of the schools he had went, people didn't cared much about the new students, they were too busy with their lo g time old friends to care about a stranger. Wooyoung wasn't like this, and deep down, San felt a little spark of hope that things could be different for once.


Wooyoung was the one who discovered the warehouse a few. He was at a dinner party at his father boss, the man was considerably rich and had a few factories in the city. The said Warehouse was an old mirror factory that was there for years. Wooyoug overheard the man talking to his father about how that building was a waste of space, but no one was really interested in buying it.

Wooyoung dragged Hongjoong with him to the place on the next day. He thought it would be the perfect spot for they to practice. And he was not wrong.

The warehouse was big, and with mirrors everywhere, it was perfect to practice their dance moves. And it was also private, which solved Wooyoung biggest problem.

He loved dancing. He loved being part of a dance team. He had so much fun dancing with his friends, but he was terrified of doing that under the public eye. He had a huge problem of stage fright, what kept him from feeling truly comfortable practicing at school or any place someone could suddenly show up.

So the warehouse was perfect. It was from a considerable distance from the city, near to the grove, but also close to the interstate road and the most important, near enough of The Corner Shop.

The warehouse started as a place to practice their dance, but ended up being so much more. The boys spent most of their time over the last year there, and now the place was like their second home. They put there everything that could make them comfortable, everything they could need.

Beginning Of End (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now