Hongjoong's Dream

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Hongjoong's dream wasn't always the same. Some things changed from time to time. But two things were constant. He was always alone, and he was sleeping, until someone's steps woke him up, and when he opened his eyes, there was a man, all dressed in black, staring at him under a fedora hat.

Hongjoong never saw the man's face, because of the mask he wore, and the man never spoke to him, just held a weird golden hourglass in his direction. And even though Hongjoong was afraid of the stranger, he never wanted to try to escape from the man. It was like he was his destiny, and he wasn't afraid of facing it.

When he woke up, it was like a bomb had just dropped, making him lose his pace, his ears were zunning and he felt kinda lost, not knowing where he was. The night was hot, and he was sweating and panting.

It's just a dream. He repeated to himself more times than he could count. But the truth was the sometimes, that felt so real, much more like a vision, a deja vu.

Hongjoong looked around, trying to find out where he was, since he wasn't on his bed in the school dorm. He felt the leather fabric under his hands and knew exactly where he was.

The only light was the weak silver light of the crescent moon coming from a hole in the ceiling of the warehouse. Dammit, he stayed longer than he expected there and ended up falling asleep. He would end up in trouble again at the dorms.

He should have listened to Seonghwa when he told him to go back to the dorms, but he didn't, and now there was no point in going back, it was already too late. The smart thing to do was to go back to the school early in the morning.

He laid down on the couch again, trying to be comfortable, but the vivid dream was still in his mind. He didn't remember when the dream started, but it had followed him since he could remember, at least once a month, sometimes more. However, he never told anyone about that weird dream, or the strange man in the fedora hat. And even though he researched allot about dreams, he didn't find anything helpful about what the dream could mean.

"It was just a dream" he repeated, aloud, letting the sleep crawl over his mind as he was alone in the warehouse.


Over San's bed were both of his school uniforms. He only wore his old uniform for three months, then his parents told him they had to move again, and there was nothing he could do besides packing his this. He stayed for such a short time in the old school, and knowing how thing work, he didn't even tried to make friends, he knew sooner or later he would move to another place, and leave everything behind, so why make an effort?

He looked at his new student ID and his new uniform, laying beside the old one. His parents had promised they would stay longer this time, that they were not going to have to move to another place for a while, but they had made that promise before, in vain, so hi wasn't really looking forward to go to his new school, or to meet new people. He had accepted that was his life, being alone and going from city to city in a couple months.

He picked up his new uniform. He needed to get ready for his first day of school, right in the middle of the semester. He went down the stairs when was ready, carrying his school bag in his shoulder. The breakfast was on the table, with a note from his mother.

"Had to go to work earlier than I expected, sorry for not being able to give you a ride on your first day. Eat your breakfast and text me later to tell me how school was.

-I love you, mom."

He grabbed a toast and a cup of juice. He didn't care to sit, just finished the food by the sink and headed to school, ready to spend another day being alone and invisible

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