Kobayashi: I guess so... this is about admiring its beauty objectively, after all

Kobayashi then hears a video game from the other side of the tree, so she takes a glance and sees Takiya with his swirly glasses, Fafnir and Shouta playing on some gaming handhelds

Kobayashi: what's up with that...? Shouldn't you be, yanno, viewing the flowers?

Takiya: hm? No, we're enjoying the day our own way!

Kobayashi: riiiiiiiight...

Fafnir: do not get distracted, Takiya!! We have to work together to cut off it's tail!! I am relying on you!

Kobayashi: you're a real band of brothers. You too. Shouta?

Shouta: there's too many girls here. It freaks me out...

Kobayashi: fair enough

Elma: what is it, child? Not enjoying yourself?

Kobayashi: Elma?

Elma: then perhaps I can help you out

Kobayashi: huh? *Elma starts to remove her kimono* wait, Elma, what are you...?!

Shouta: waaah! *slightly blushes*

Elma takes off her kimono only to reveal a face drawn on her stomach, confusing Kobayashi as the Harmony Dragon starts to shimmy around

Elma: I felt I should research the arts Humans practice on these occasions...this one struck me as quite appropriate

Kobayashi: um, no... only drunk old guys do that... if a lady does it... *Shouta and Tohru bursts out laughing* welp, never mind. He loves it. And Tohru...


Kobayashi: loves it for a completely different reason

(Y/n): *slithers next to Kobayashi* indeed, would you like another drink, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: nah, I'm good for now. But thanks for asking

Tohru: *controls her laughter and stands up* well, since it seems everyone's in good spirits...

Kobayashi: is this the "recreation" you mentioned earlier?

Tohru: that's right~! *picks up a box*

Kobayashi: a lottery?

(Y/n): are we playing bingo?

Tohru: all right, everyone! Next up is the tournament, so please draw lots to determine your team!

Kobayashi: a tournament?


Kobayashi: uh, I don't have to play, right?

Tohru: nope! You're the referee!

Everyone then picks a ticket as they pick their ticket, Kobayashi announces the participants that are first up

Kobayashi: okay, round one iiiiis... Takiya vs. Ilulu. *looks at Takiya* Why're you even doing this Takiya?

Takiya: hmm? Well, why not?

Kobayashi: all right. Ready... set...

Takiya: I mean, she's a little girl, so I figure...

Kobayashi: GO!!

Ilulu then effortlessly slams Takiya's arm into the table as a sicking crack rings out making (Y/n) face palm at Takiya's stupidity as Ilulu asks if he's ok

Takiya: I think my wrist is broken...

(Y/n): Dumkopf! *slithers over to Takiya and starts to heal him.*

 A Serpent Amongst The Dragonmaids (Futa!Reader X Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें