○New Voicelines○

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Enjoy reading~!

First half is Lumines and Second half is Aethers.



→ About Mother

Paimon: “Y'know, Paimon never asks this but, did you ever have a mother in the first place? No offense if you don't have any, Paimon was just asking.”

Lumine: “No offense taken and for your answer, yes I did had a mother.”

Paimon: “Had? Oh no, Paimon didn't mean to bring any sad memories. Oh, now I just feel terrible for even asking in the first place.”

Lumine: “No, no, it's completely fine. After all, I never really had any memories with her. She passed away when I was three years old, the only memories I had was her singing me and my brother a lullaby every night and her faint warm embrace. Other than that, I can't remember much.”

Paimon: “Aww, that's a bummer! I thought you would at least have more memories of her. Don't worry, Paimon may not have a good singing voice but I will sing you a lullaby every night before we go to sleep.”

→ About Father

Paimon: “Paimon is a little worried about asking this but, if you had a mother, does that also mean you also had a Father?”

Lumine: “Yup, but this time I do have memories of my father. Although he wasn't really at home most of the time considering he was a Royal Knight, he still made time for me and for my brothers. My dad will take us fishing on a nearby river or teach us how to play an ocarina. He gave us tips on how to hold a sword and taught us the basics on how to use it.”

Paimon: “Uh, now hold on a minute. You can't just dump some new information onto Paimon and expect her to know what you are saying. Besides, your Dad is a Royal Knight?! And what the heck is an ocarina!”

Lumine: “Hahaha, sorry Paimon. I always seem to forget how small your brain is.”

Paimon: “How rude! Paimon brain isn't small, you just saying random nonsense all over the place.”

Lumine: “Whatever you say Paimon.”

→ About Link

Paimon: “During our travel, you always keep mentioning a name called Link. It seems this Link person have a good relationship with you and your brother.”

Lumine: “Oh my bad, I keep forgetting to tell you who Link is. Link is my older brother, he's the best hero to exist and a great cook as a bonus point.”

Paimon: “Wait! Paimon didn't know you have an older brother, not only that but a Hero too. Is that where you got your heroism traits from and cooking skills? Come on, tell Paimon all the cool stories about your big brother!”

Lumine: “Hahaha, alright, alright. I will tell you plenty of stories about my older brother, he's an expert in many fields. He's good at handling a sword, a bow, a claymore, a Spear and an amazing chef. I… actually miss his cooking, I'm afraid of losing the taste of his food.”

Paimon: “Awww, don't be sad. I'm sure you will be able to taste his food again, and better bring some to Paimon too! I wanna taste his cooking, wait… is that why you are good at cooking?!”

Lumine: “Let's say I learn from the best.”

→ About Zelda

Lumine: “Khaenri'ah had a king before it got destroyed, right? Then that must means the King had a daughteror son.”

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