00. meet shera stark.

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Shera Stark, younger sister to Lord Cregan Stark, was born in 111 AC in Winterfell. She was considered wild as a child for the few years she resided in her ancestral home, before she was sent to King's Landing as a ward to Queen Alicent Hightower.

Her grace, on most accounts, managed to tame the beastly nature of the young girl into that of a comely, pious demeanor. Shera is said to have been good friends with Helaena Targaryen and Aemond Targaryen. It wasn't uncommon for the girl to sing in the keep's sept at the behest of the Queen, who cited her as having 'a lovely singing voice, unto which we can hear the Gods'.

Upon Prince Aemond's miraculous claim of Vhagar at Driftmark, a fight broke out between the younger broods that were present that eve in the tunnels. It is unknown to what started the fight, as multiple sources have different stories– Aemond lashing out at his younger nephews, the dragon twins Baela and Rhaena Targaryen hurling insults, or Shera pushing Lucerys to the ground in an attempt to get past them. What is known, however, is the consequences of the fight– Prince Aemond declared that Lucerys Velaryon took his eye. Shera, too, lost sight in her eye and had her throat slashed. Her vocal cords and nerves were mangled permanently, hindering her to never be able to speak above a whisper.

Hearing word of his younger sister's injuries and near death, Cregan Stark immediately sent for Shera's return to Winterfell. Her state of living was tenuous for the better part of a year, and she never revealed publicly the name of whom disfigured her. Not much is known of her life in Winterfell after, as she was kept almost as a secret.

Travelers who ventured outside of Winterfell remark hearing an eerie howling at night, dubbing Shera Stark the 'Banshee of Winterfell'.

Ten years have passed since the Driftmark incident and Shera has returned to King's Landing, the source of her ire and pain– and mayhaps fond memories.

A lone wolf can dance with dragons, as well. And mayhaps will change the promenade.

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A first glance at Shera, one would notice the following:

- Wears an exorbitant amount of hand jewelry, adorned with jewels. She favors opals, moonstones and pearls. She usually has a few rings on each hand, frequently twisting them.

- Always ornamented with a silken, laced veil of some sort. Through it, one can see the outline of her face, but the features underneath it are blurred and hard to discern. Her veil is usually matching with her jewelry.

- She prefers muted tones, grays, blacks and whites. Shera is usually dressed in a few layers and takes pride in her wardrobe, most of them being tailored by her. Most are with high collars.

Being around Shera more than a few times, more details come to light:

- To match her hand jewelry, she always has on moon shaped silver earrings, which are quite large and make a soft jingle when she walks. It wouldn't be noticeable unless one looks up close to her, as they hide under her veil.

- Fur. Shera is always adorned in fur of some sort and it is a noticeable trend in her wardrobe. She finds comfort and safety in snuggling up in a fur stole and will be seen habitually running her fingers through it, almost absentmindedly.

- She always has on a black laced, embroidered choker. It is tied to the back of her neck with a simple ribbon. It looks handmade, stitched with images of flowers upon a breeze. She doesn't wish to talk about it. If speaking above a whisper, she will stop herself with a tenuous hand to her choker, as if a reminder.

If Shera truly trusts someone, they will see the deepest parts of her:

- Her blind eye and scar that tangles around and over it. It is a milky blue with no pupil. If one stared into it, it may be akin to looking into the void– or into the starry night, cosmos and faraway specks of planets. It is easy to get lost in.

- A scar that runs under the length of her choker. Even after being healed for so long, it's still so prominent, etched into her skin like a brand. It falls over her injured vocal cords, frayed and damaged like old twine.

- Once her full visage is apparent, unburdened, unveiled– her skin is a milky pallor, cheeks rosined and her facial expressions unbidden, as she is usually able to hide her expressions under her veil, so without it, she is quite animated.

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The most noticeable quality about Shera Stark, however, is her constant companion and shadow, Moongeist

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The most noticeable quality about Shera Stark, however, is her constant companion and shadow, Moongeist. He is a large adult direwolf who's standing height at the shoulder lies against Shera's hip / lower waist.

He acts as her eyes and helps her navigate, as her eye injury runs more than just sight deep. She is prone to vertigo, fainting spells and Moongeist is as much a crutch as he is a friend.

If someone wished to hurt Shera, they wouldn't get far, lest they become wolf food.

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