Chapter 4:First day of school(corrected)

Start from the beginning

Momo:*Whisper*DON'T COPY ME!!!

Y/n eyes return to their sockets.


Momo:If you are a god why do you need to copy?

Y/n:Hey im omnipotent not omnicient. And schysophreniac, if you consider the fact that i have three personnality with each having autism.

Momo:Wait what?

Y/n:Then i guess I'll use my three hyper intelligent brains!

Brain1:I want cuddles.

Brain2:I wanna hug mommy.

Brain3:I WANNA FU-

Y/n:Whoops nope bad idea. Welp guess i have to kill the math.


Y/n enter the book of math and start beating the numbers and letters. He grab a × sign and throw it toward a 0 and the do a german suplex to a 1 before approaching a 8.


Y/n then rip a belt off the 8 making it a 0

Y/n:AH I KNEW IT!!! Alright time to annihilate this!

He then make the entire book explode making the book burn as Y/n walk out of the book like nothing happened.

Y/n:Ahh much better.

He then see all the students in a corner of the classroom including Aizawa as Y/n stare at them innocently.

Y/n:You guys ok?


It was the pause and while everyone was eating some snacks, Y/n had nothing as he ear his stomach suddenly growl. Momo look confused as she eat a whole piece of cake.

Momo:Are you hungry?

Y/n:Yeah. Despite what people think we celestialsapiens must eat.

Momi:What do you feed off? A special food?

Y/n:We consume energy. But we need a large quantity. So we eat planets or suns. Personnaly my favorites are supernovas. They are spicy yet sweet.

Everyone stop what they were doing and stare at Y/n looking scared.

Y/n:But no worries i won't eat the planet.

Eveeyone sight in relief.

Y/n:But i will do it if i need to.

Everyone start sweating again.

Y/n:Now that i think of it im seriously hungry. Im a gonna go eat a sun see ya'.

Y/n teleport and reappear and burp flames as he pat his round belly.

Y/n:Ahhh it taste a lot like magnesium but it tasted good.

Momo was sweating as she bite a bit of her cake.

Y/n:Ohhh what's that?

Momo:I-It's cake.

Y/n:Is it why your so round?

Momo blush and look down ashamed.

Momo:I guess your gonna mock me as well?

Y/n:Why would i mock you? My mom always told me that round people are always the best cuddlers.

Momo look suprised.

Momo:Did she?

Y/n:Yeah. I remember the time she told me that.


We could see a baby Y/n celestialsapian looking at his mother who hold him in her palm.

We could see a baby Y/n celestialsapian looking at his mother who hold him in her palm

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Mom:Remember ... . A woman who is round is better at cuddles. Your savior friend was dating a round woman. What was her name? Gwen i think. It dosen't matter.

Flashback end.

Y/n:So yeah if your round then that mean you give the best cuddles!


Momo start feeling her heart beating faster and faster until she notice Yang glaring at her and start doing sign language.

Yang:Back off he is mine!

Ruby:Yang what are you doing? Oh are we playing charade?! Ok

Weiss:Of course not! She said "I want to be pampered"

Blake:I thaught she said "I wanna swim in melted chocolate with Y/n"

Yang face palm. Momo simply giggle as Y/n looked confused.

Y/n:What's chocolate?

Momo is auprised but simply smile and search in her launch box who was filled with snacks and take a chocolate tablet and give it to him.

Momo:Eat this. It's chocolate.

Y/n nod and he take a bite with the wrapping and spit it out almost instantly.


Momo:No wait unwrap it first!

Y/n blink a few time and then unwrap a part and looked shocked.


Y/n take a bite and his brain explode.


Y/n eat the chocolate and unwrap the rest and eat it all in one quick bite.

Y/n:This taste way better than a supernova!!!!

Momo:Im happy you like it. But hum...who is his black shark?

Y/n:Huh? Oh this is the god we celestialsapien worship. My mom told me that he come from a trinity of three deity. The white snake. The black shark and the grey rabbit. The black shark is our creator god. He created everything! Even this delicious chocolate! He is time time stronguer than my dad who is the leader of the celestialsapien. Legends say that he is the very first person with the autism and he created the autism spectrum himself!

Blackmega2004:Ahahaha.... This isn't any kind of forshadowing(⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)


Y/n:I know right? This is seriously my favorite story of all time!

The two were chatting and becoming very good friends. But for Momo just like Yang her heart start missing beats and flutter at the innocence and kindness of the young boy. Right now this first day is going well.

(The chapter is shorter than the other cuz i feel like it is a good chapter end right now)

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