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(Author here! B4 i start this chapter, I just wanted to say....Thank you everyone, For giving this book 1k reads....It may not be much as 12k 4k or 7k (idk which book has that) but It's stil an acheivement for me even if i dont thank you guys for it everytime...You guys have been Supporting me and my crappy writing skills and it makes me happy! I love the critism (except when they point out my keyboard strokes...Grr) and i love the Feedback, It makes me proud of myself that my writing abilities have been able to go this far!! I'm pretty sureni have like atleast 15-20 books already!...most arent even finished....But thanks....NOW LETS GO TO THE ANGST...Or something idk....)

Leafy's POV:

I leave Dream island with the knowledge of how to handle my situation....

....But i didnt leave empty handed....

I stared at the shell peice i stole from Tennisball's body....It was so Fluffy.....And cozy.....

I then heard Needle yell out for me....

What does this Lesbian Want?.....(this isnt homophobic istg-)

"....You know, This will all come back to you....Right?....You may not see it....But Everyone hates you..."

"You think I dont know?!, I've been hearing them Rub my name inthe dirt because of-
"Because of Firey?! That's what you keep saying!! Over and Over again, You want to kill Firey!! But maybe you havent been oooking at his good aspects because you're too caught up with revenge!!!....You even killed Tennisball!!...."

I looked down at the shell peice i've been holding the whole time...

....Why am i doing this....?

I wondered to myself....Countless murders.....

Countless slaughtering....

Days and days of listening to my hunger.....

.....Or maybe....She's brainwashing me.....

I look back at her and get my knife ready....

"It's not gonna work, Leafy....I'm made of Metal...."

"I can atleast try...."

"Alright then....Do it....B-tch...."

And just like that....I was met with a Punch to the face....

And then i blacked out....


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