12 (yeah this is the part everyone waited for)

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Firey's POV:

I walked over to the old Pizza Shop me and Coiny used to hang out by and saw him order....

He never orders! He cant make up his mind and he always forgets his wallet! (The staff are robots btw)

Why is he ordering alone?.....

....I'm talking to him....

"Why am i ordering pizza?......Oh yeah because Leafy might kill me...."



"Jeez...I just wanted to check up on you...."



I walked away from the counter and stood right behind him as we both waited for his order to finish....

....Pepperoni's?....I thought he was allergic to Meat?....

I looked at him weirdly as he walked away....

"....Oh, I'll have an Olive Mushroom piza..."

After 10 minutes my Pizza was Done but....I saw Coiny walk away from Needle and into an Alleyway still holding the pizza...

.....No.....D-does he plan on Killing Himself?!..

I rushed over to him (wasting a good oliveshroom pizza...) and watched as Leafy took the Pizza and ran away....



"What the hell are you doing with Leafy?!...."

"It's none of your CoalDamn Buisness!!"

.....I sighed heavily and finally faced my fear....

Teling Firey how i felt even though he's mad at me....

I pinned him to the wall and stared at him....Still angered...

"....What were you doing with Leafy?...."

".....I-i said it was Nothing!!...."

"DONT LIE TO ME!!....Tell me what you were doing with her!!!"

"...Me and Leafy mare a deal....She promised not to hurt you if I gave her food and info...And i cut the deal but....Still give her food as survival...."


"I'm sorry Firey.....I just dont wanna...."

"See me hurt again?...."


"Coiny....Im being hurt right now....Mentally....You keep a secret like this...While also Avoiding me....I know i kept the fact that Me and Leafy Are dating as a Secret....But it was because i was never able to break up with her!..."


"....I always thought that maybe.....W-we could go out together......"

"...Excuse me...?"

I sighed heavily as Tears fell down my face out of embarrassment...

I'm scared of Rejection and I'm scared i'll lose Coiny....Forever....

With one deep shaky sigh...I finally confessed....

"Coiny, I'm inlove with you....Okay? I hated this feeling at first but...I cant help it.....I dreamt of us being together and it makes me Happy....Ever since you cut ties with me a couple months ago the feeling became worse.....I hated being away from you and i didnt want to lose you...."


"I-i've been going insane for you....I constantly Think and Write about you....I've been waiting doe you to reply to me nonstop and...And i'm upset....."

I cried heavily as Coiny stayed silent....

I hid my face in my Hands out of embarrassment as i continued to cry...

After a solid 3 minutes i finally calmed down and apologised before abput to le-
"Firey stop...."


"....You never got to hear what I had to say...."


I was surprised when he pulled me close to him.....

I-it feels a bit weird to hug him after a Long time....

I prepaired myself for the worst as he sighed...

"Firey....You know how i said i was scared of the Dark?....."


"I'm not scared of the dark....It was an excuse so i could hug you in my sleep...."


"And remember all the times you thought you were going crazy because your Plastic Cup of diet Coke was magically empty even though you only drank half?...."


"I was the reason...."

"Okay wy are you telling me these things?.....I thought you were gonna confess?...."

"I am!! And i just did!"

I stared at him blankly as i figured out what he meant by that....

Finally after a good 30 seconds he laughed and....Oh my glub that was the first time i've heard him laugh after a long time of being apart.....

....I blushed as i watched him laugh...He was the cutest sh- i have ever seen....

"....You big Idiot!! I was giving you small hints of how i felt back then!!....Haha!!....How have you not picked them up right now?!...."




We both stood there in the Alleyway laughing loudly...

Tears formed once more and my Laughs turned into Cries....

....Coiny saw this and tried to calm me down....

....Okay i cant handle this anymore!! I've been friends with him for too long!!....

I looked at him before pinning him back to the Wall and Finally....FINALLY AFTER 8 MONTHS....

I kissed him....

Leafy's POV:

"Huh....Well good for them...."

I shrugged and walked away as i ate my Pepperoni pizza....

....Hmm....This whole Evil Plotting crap is kinda....Getting old real quick...

I've killed all my friends....

....I'll think about it.....

You Stole MY Island...(Battle for Dream Island)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang