Chapter 5 - Jump

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War POV:

As I was watching the flames going higher and lower in a hypnotized state, I was thinking maybe it wasn't greed what drove The Fire Nation to a war.

Maybe they just hypnotized themselves. It was so fucking relaxing to watch. It was also boosting my confidence for some unknown reason.

Maybe because I can sit near it in a tipsy state without burning myself. You don't know me but this is a huge success for me.

I couldn't take my eyes from it. Even the roasted marshmallow smells couldn't distract me.

Sarawat insisted that we should join the bonfire as they were gathering again. I really hoped that the bonfire would be connected to some kind of a ritual, otherwise it was just meaningless.

As hours past, we were doing nothing other than normal college students do in a circle. Except, there was a fire, so it was better ?

Couldn't be the victim of some kind of a cult again... maybe next time.

I was sitting by myself as Sarawat was talking to bunch of people. Such a romantic night.

Guess I was the only one who didn't understand the huge appeal of these crowded gatherings. I was mostly invisible at these things as I didn't want to try to have a decent conversation with a drunk person. Tipsy at best. Sarawat was among them.

I decided that I could leave since I already had two beers and had three embarrassing idiotic conversations.

One of the girls tried to read my palm for future, when I hesitated she cursed and threw sand at me, then walked a bit and threw up.

I had a bathtub in my hotel room by the way.

A bathtub, a selection of five great books, a good red wine bottle...

Yeah, I'm leaving.

I got up from where I sat and that's how I got Sarawat's attention for the first time since we got here.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm kinda tired. I want to go and sleep."

"Nonsense grandma. Come with me."

Sarawat pulled me by my hand and dragged me to that group that he was talking. I was sitting silently, then I was standing silently. Improvement.

They were gossiping about some girl I didn't know. Each of them was sharing their own experiences. Whenever this happened, I always think to myself "what are they going to say about me after I left?"

After that they switched conversation to some popular tv program. I couldn't join that either as I didn't watch it. I was feeling more and more of an outsider.

Sarawat and I spent two days together after our first date. It was good because we were alone all the time. We did nothing but swimming, eating, kissing and sleeping. I was going to do these things on my vacation anyways, except for the kissing part, and that was the cherry on top for me.

Sarawat was spoiling me a lot. He prepared this basket so that we can have a little picnic at the beach, which wasn't a great idea because of all the sand and everything, but it was cute.

He was always complimenting me, boosting my confidence. He was always saying things like:

"Where were you all this time?"

"I wished we would meet when we were little."


As I didn't have any experience on the whole dating scene, I just figured this was going extremely well. What could be better than this?

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