41: YOLO gone wrong

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Winner: Accept both cause YOLO

[Third person pov]

"Is that Seungmin and Minho Hyung?"

"No, its not. Do not look, talk and even breathe in that general direction that those two people who are definitely not Seungmin and Minho are!" The panicked brunette placed both hands on Hyunjin and Felix's backs, pushing them further away from their current location. She heaved out a long sigh, a bit relieved. Both males only stared at her, perplexed about her sudden rants.

"Okay, what are we doing first?" Yin grinned widely, anxiously rubbing her hands.

Hyunjin turned around, pushing his bangs away as his eyes scanned the dimly lit arcade. "How about the pinball?" a smile tugged his lips upwards, his eyes turning into crescent, his gaze now on the shorter.

"Even my shark says yes!" Felix effused. Hyunjin gave him a look that clearly said 'Dude, you ain't got no shark' and that made the aquatic animal in their basement laugh maniacally.

"Yes, that is a great idea. You guys go ahead and start, I will go out and yeah? I forgot my hat, I'll be back... Yeah!" each word the brunette uttered, she'd take a step back until sprinted away.

"Isn't she wearing a hat?" Hyunjin turned to the blonde.

And he nodded. "Sometimes I wanna be a hat!"


"Hi, hi, I'm here now. What's up?"

Yin panted like a fish on land, having ran here. She placed both hands on her knees. "Are you dying?" vagued and not comprehending her current state, Seungmin prodded.

"What took you so long? We have been waiting for like..." Minho looked at his wrist, which clearly held no watch and them he enunciated. "...five minutes."

"Well, you changed plans so quickly I couldn't keep up."

"Its not my fault the practice room was occupied."

"You should've asked before setting us up," Seungmin huffed, he glanced at the entrance of the arcade, genuinely puzzled. It wasn't too far away from the JYPE building and was a convenient spot for people in the industry who wanted some time to relax away from the 'quaint fans'

"For the love of watermelons, can we please go in?" Minho heaved out an exasperated sigh.

"What if we don't love watermelons? What if we love orange? Or what if we love pineapple pizza?"

"Yin," Seungmin placed a hand on her shoulder. "Nobody likes pineapple on pizza!" like who the hell? *discreetly stares at some people*

"Chan does. Didn't he eat a Burger with pineapple in it?" Yin enunciated as they walked in. "Oh wait, he was mad about that."

Seungmin and Minho laughed, mimicking the Iron man in the street's words. "There's a pineapple in my Burger!"

As the three embarked on the journey of mocking poor old Chan, Yin spotted Hyunjin and Felix, still struggling with the pinball machine and this made her gasped, she almost forgot about them. "Um. . . guys go ahead, I'll be with you soon, I have to go walk the vending machine," Apparently Tin can couldn't thinking of something under pressure, so she left, leaving them both perplexed.

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