Despite the challenges that come with being in a boyband, the five of them managed to establish a successful career in the industry. Their exceptional discography, songwriting and performing skills, as well as their proficiency in playing musical instruments, had earned them a good reputation in the industry. 

Heeseung and his bandmates were known for their passion and dedication towards music, which was evident in the quality of their work. They had a loyal fanbase who appreciated their unique sound and style. Overall, they were a talented and hardworking group who had made a mark in the Korean music industry.

Also, their stunning appearance was out of this world! No one else could even compare. Just picture their tall stature and handsome faces as they performed their songs on stage with their instruments... It was truly a heavenly sight, wasn't it?

Seungcheol had been a part of Inside Out since its inception, whereas Wonwoo and Sangyeon joined the team two years after the group's debut to primarily manage the other four members' solo schedules. However, this did not affect the fact that all three managers were co-managing Inside Out. The trio would participate in the group's schedules for the entire day.

It used to be simple for the five members of Inside Out to meet up since they all lived in the same dorm. However, things changed when they decided to live independently. Now, in order to meet up for the group schedule, Wonwoo or Sangyeon would gather the other four members and take them to the agreed location. Seungcheol was assigned the task of picking up Heeseung from his place, which was the farthest from everyone else.

"Alright, we'll talk about this retirement plan later. For now, just get here quickly before I go back to sleep–"

"Don't you dare! I'll whack your head if you do so."

"Then get here quick!"

"Can't you be patient for once?" Seungcheol sighed. "And who asks you to move to Pyeongchang out of many places in Seoul?"

"I don't get why it's a big deal for me to live in Pyeongchang." Heeseung felt offended whenever Seungcheol brought up this topic. The truth was that the house he lived in was inherited from his late grandfather. As a dutiful grandson who happened to be his grandfather's favourite, Heeseung just fulfilled his late grandfather's will to take care of the house. "Besides, it's super quiet and peaceful here, it helps me write even better stuff," he added.

"Alright, alright. Keep your temper aside. I'll be there in another fifteen minutes. You better keep your eyes awake."

With that being said, Heeseung couldn't help but wait for another fifteen minutes to come. He hated waiting so much because his patience level wasn't as good as anyone else. But lately, he's been learning a few things on how to control his temper. Since he's always the centre of public attention, letting his coolness aside might bring more damage to his image.

Heeseung got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, before walking back to the living room to get his phone. He scrolled down to the Naver site to check on any news that was worth reading or checking for any recent scandal that dragged his name into another weird mess.

But the first headline that caught his attention from the trending list was the news from Daily Korea.

"Idol 'K' bully scandal's truth revealed?" he said to himself, a little bit shocked by the title he read.

Heeseung clicked on the article immediately and read the whole thing attentively. Looking at how most media outlets tend to discuss things according to the 'bias' trend, after reading it, Heeseung thought this article was completely different.

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