Inside Out

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Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul, South Korea.

Heeseung was not sure how long he'd been looking at his phone screen but considering that he'd been sitting in the living room for almost thirty minutes now, it made him irritated. Seeing that nothing caught his interest, he sighed heavily and pressed the lock button on the right side of his phone before putting it on the coffee table in front.

"Where the hell is he? He said he's gonna be here in ten minutes."

This morning, he received a call from his manager, Seungcheol ㅡprecisely an hour ago ㅡjust to get ready for a morning schedule, which Heeseung did not bother to know about.

Of course, it was a daily occurrence since he started his career, and receiving a call from his manager was a form of reminder for him not to be late or simply to get himself out of his bed.

But guess who's the one being late now?

"I should have slept a bit longer," he muttered, leaning his body further on the comfortable couch.

Impatience. That was the right word to describe him, and Heeseung admitted that.

Reaching for his phone, this time he would make sure that his frustrated whining could make the said manager arrive quickly. But, just as he was about to search for the contact, the phone screen showed an incoming call from the latter – Seungcheol hyung.

Without waiting any longer, Heeseung slid the answer button.

"Hyung~" he whined. "Where are you? It's been half an hour already!" And now he couldn't hide his frustration.

"I'm really sorry, Heeseung-ah."

Seungcheol's voice on the other side sounded very apologetic, and Heeseung could see the face that the older guy was making right now. 

Wait, what was that? 

Did he just hear his three group members' voices in the background?

"Wait, am I hearing Soobin hyung, Nicholas and Maki's voices there?"

"Yeah," Seungcheol answered with a tired sigh.

"And why are those three with you? Isn't Sangyeon hyung supposed to get them to the studio today?"

"Well, something came up with Taesan this morning, so they went to the hospital earlier. I really forgot to inform you about this. So that's why I went to their places first before going to yours."

"Wait, what happened to Taesan?" Heeseung now felt uneasy when one of his group members was mentioned. And the word hospital did not sit right with him at all.

"He had an upset stomach, but everything is fine. He got his medication already and might be late for the morning shoot."

"I see... Then, is Wonwoo hyung there too?" The face of his other group's manager came to mindㅡa calm and quiet-looking 'hyung' that always so gentle but strict when needed.

"Of course! Do you think I can handle the four of you alone?"

Heeseung laughed upon hearing that. What's so hard about handling him and the rest of his group members?

"Is that a sign of early retirement, hyung?" he teased.

"Right. I think I've been with y'all too long already. Once Inside Out disbands, I'll retire too."

Heeseung was a member of a Korean boyband called 'INSIDE OUT'. The band consisted of five members, including Soobin, Nicholas, Taesan, and Maki. They had been active in the industry for eight years, having debuted under the management of PRISM Entertainment.

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