The white haired man looked at her slightly, offering her a seat before him. "It's not a bad time.. I was just reading over todays briefing after the trial, so it's no issue." He waved his hand slightly, as if telling her not to worry. "Now, am I correct to presume you have some information for me about Tartaglia."

"I- that's correct.."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm.. fine, I think."

Hm. I should keep my wits about her. Her parents have links to the fatui.

She sighed, knowing this would be a rough topic to discuss.. she never even told Navia this...

"I'd.. appreciate if we could keep this confidential.."
She fidgeted with her bracelets a bit, which Neuvillette took note of in his mind. "I have reason to believe this harbinger is associated with the murder of my parents."  A knot tightened in her stomach as she confessed the words she couldn't even confess to herself mentally.

His eyebrow lifted a little. "Hm..?"

"My parents were both visionless, but were promised power if they joined the fatui. I grew up believing my parents were strong, capable fighters. However.. I later found out all their power was rooted from a delusion granted by a harbinger. Specifically that one."

She pursed her lips a little bit, with threats of a tear pricking, as it formed on her waterline. "My parents were fatui. They worked with them only because they would be given the power to protect me. My parents were high class people, smart and intuitive people. The fatui wanted to milk all the knowledge, money, anything they could get out of them. My parents were weak and they knew it. But growing up, I didn't realise. This all happened when I was 15, I was too stupid to know about delusions and what they were capable of. My mother told me she'd been granted power.. I was smart enough to know it wasn't a vision, but not smart enough to know exactly what it was.. All I knew is that they promised me that it meant my teenage years would be safe."

It was a difficult topic. She wanted to cry.

"I don't have a vision. I couldn't protect them."

"You don't have a vision?"

"No. It's why I'm so weak. It's probably why they're dead."

"That's not your fault."

"I should've been stronger."

"Don't blame yourself over this."

A slight noise of a sob came from her.

"It just had to be me who found them."


"I'm sorry. This is a lot-"

"No, no. Don't say that. It's better out than bottled up, isn't it?"

"I just—"

He looked at her. "Y/n.. we don't—" Yet again, a sigh left him. Sympathy routed from deep within his body . A pain he wasn't used to feeling. An emotion too human for him to comprehend. "If this is making you upset, we don't need to continue this. Don't feel obliged to tell me anymore. I'm truly sorry beyond words"

That's empathy.

Human emotions.. are a complex and multifaceted aspect of the human experience, and they can be difficult to understand to a non-human. They are often felt internally as physiological sensations and can affect the body in a variety of ways.. and can be experienced as a powerful force that drives behavior..

"We don't have to say anymore. You've given me enough information to understand." He looked down at his files, making a brief note of the things she'd just declared.

I'm still skeptical. But.. is this skeptical.. or is this sympathy?

I'm so sorry, y/n.

"I appreciate you... uh.. listening, Monsieur." She looked as if that previous threat of a teardrop was dancing down to the corner of her eye. "If there's anything else you need information on.. I can try find something old of my parents. I'm sorry."

He softened yet again, "You need not to apologise. This is vital information, and I can't express my gratitude." He wasn't really used to handling things like this. You'd think he'd be prepared with the amounts if trials he's faced. "You're more than welcome to drop by more information, anything to help us get new leads on this case is essential to me." He tapped his chin in thought, before looking over to the book on his desk.

"An introduction to understanding emotion."


"I... perhaps I can offer you something?" He sighed to himself yet again. "I'd.. like it if you'd work on this case a little more with me sometime. I think we could really get somewhere, and in return, possibly get some vengeance for you. No pressure of course, talking about this must surely be difficult."

She messed with the charms on her bracelet, which the chief of justice himself couldn't help but find a slight bit endearing, as she took a shaky breath inward. "Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do."

"Then.. I'd like that... thank you."

"Don't mention it. I'm just doing my job."


She got up, wrapping her jacket over her shoulders. This jacket once belonged to her mother, when her mother worked in Snezhnaya, it would be cold, therefore, she worked to sew her own coat. It had a few patches where y/n had tried to fix it, but it held a sense of warmth to her. "Thank you, again, Monsieur Neuvillette. I'll be on my way."

"It's not a problem.." He paused, briefly.

"One thing.. y/n, before you go." She turned round to look at him, burying her lower face into the scarf that decorated her neck.

"Please, get home safe. It's snowing a little."

Her face softened at that.

"I will, thank you, Monsieur."

"Please... just call me, Neuvillette."

Author time :)
I have a biology mock tomorrow haha.

I might not continue this
Depends how poetic I'm feeling tomorrow and after mocks

I wanna make this angsty, bare with me.

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