Chapter XIII

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Elara hesitated at the entrance to the workshop.

Gathering her courage, she pushed the workshop door open. The pungent scent of oil and metal washed over her, mingling with the faint hum of machinery. It was a familiar smell, yet unsettling now, laced with a chilling implication.

She stepped into the dimly lit space, and then froze. In the heart of the workshop, knelt a monstrous figure clad in the tattered remnants of Crainus's familiar suit. Its back hunched, its shoulders slumped in defeat, its head bowed, as though burdened by some great and unspeakable secret. But it was the metallic sheen of its skin, catching the faint moonlight, that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Crainus?" Her voice was barely a whisper, laced with fear and a terrible, sinking dread.

The figure slowly straightened, its movement a disturbing symphony of whirs, creaks, and the hissing of steam. As the moonlight fell upon its face, Elara's worst fears were confirmed.

Crainus stared back at her. His once-gentle eyes were now cold, luminous orbs set within a face of sculpted metal. His jaw, hardened and angular, creaked into a semblance of a smile, but it was devoid of warmth or genuine emotion.

"Elara," the voice that emerged was rough, tinged with a metallic echo, "It… it's me."

Elara felt her knees weaken. She took a hesitant step forward and then another. Crainus remained unnaturally still, his hands – now sculpted of gears and pistons – clenching and unclenching nervously.

"What… what have you done to yourself?" She managed to choke out the words, tears welling up in her eyes.

Crainus's metal lips quivered. "I… I'm sorry, Elara. I am so sorry." His voice was thick with emotion, the apology more genuine than anything she had heard from him in days. 

He stumbled forward, his gait awkward and forced, extending a mechanical arm as if to reach out to her. Elara flinched, recoiling involuntarily from the cold, unnatural touch.

"There was… there was a deal," Crainus stammered, his voice thick with a mechanical rasp. "The demon woman… she offered me a way to save myself, to be strong again."

"And you took it?" Elara's voice rose a pitch, tinged with anger and despair. "You sacrificed everything for this... this... power?"

"I was desperate, Elara," Crainus pleaded, steam venting from his nostrils in bursts mirroring his emotions. "I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you… of leaving Anya… and the city, it needed me." 

He choked on his words, and then, in a moment of desperate vulnerability, he attempted to cry–a sob shook his monstrous frame, but no tears fell from his cold, metal eyes.

Elara watched him struggle, his tortured attempts to express his sorrow mirroring her own internal turmoil. A wave of pity washed over her, momentarily drowning out the horror and disgust. He was still Crainus, the man she loved, trapped within a grotesque shell of ambition and desperation.

She stepped forward, her resolve hardening. "You always wanted to make a difference, Crainus," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "You always yearned for more. But you never imagined this, did you?"

Crainus shook his head, a lifeless, mechanical gesture.

Elara knelt down, reaching out to adjust his collar, straightening his crooked tie. "Well," she said, a forced lightness to her voice, "this changes things. It seems, my love, that you have a city to rule now."

His metallic eyes widened, mirroring the flicker of surprised hope within. "Elara…"

She silenced him with a single finger pressed to his cold, metallic lips. "We will talk, Crainus," she said firmly. "There is plenty of time for the truth and all the darkness this deal has brought upon you."

Cogs and SteamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon