Born to fight

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The spear was thrown towards Adam but he successfully dodged it. "You're going to have to do better than that, they'll kill you in a heart beat if you keep that up!" He flew around in the sky, Lute and Vagatha were training their hearts out. Even though they are children Adam didn't hold back. Lute had her wings wrapped by rope, making her unable to use them. Her task was get at least 5 hits on him. Me and Vagatha were doing combat training, her with her wooden spear and me with my bare hands.

"It's hard to hit you when you keep on flying like that sir!"

"Well you just have to deal with it! I'm not even flying at my slowest!"

Vagatha used the dull end of the spear to push herself off the ground and do a jump attack on me, but I swiftly kicked the spear away and caught it with my hands. She landed onto the ground on her knees in front of me.

"Vagatha, are you alright?"

I watched as she slowly stood back up onto her feet, "I'm ok, let me try that again!" This determination in her caused me to smile, she charged towards me with no harmful intent, her only goal was to land at least one hit on me. That seemed to be the only thing on her mind, the only she seemed to care about. Vagatha was close to getting a single hit on her legs until I kicked her away causing her to tumble across the floor.



"I want to try again!"

"Take a break first-"

"No! If Lute and Mr.Adam aren't going to stop neither will I!"


Adam and Lute over heard the conversation and sighed before he flew over and lifted Vagatha to her feet, and landed on the ground. "Vags, do what she says and take a break, you just got kicked twice and your body isn't used to that pressure. So chill out and sit the fuck down. Lute, you take a break to."

"Yes sir!"

"Y/n and I will go get you some water, just sit down and breathe." Adam then takes my hand and leads me away from the young angels, once we were far enough he began to speak up, "I'm worried about Vagatha."
A look of confusion made its way onto my face as I looked at him. "What do you mean you're worried?"

"I don't think she can be on the battle field with us and the other soldiers, if she doesn't get her act together she'll never be able to fight against a demon and live to tell the tale." I look at him as I spoke, "they're just getting started Adam, they're kids, I'm sure they will get better before the first extermina-" Adam cut me off, "Lucifer agreed to the extermination, he said he wants it done every new year. That gives them only a few months to sharpen up."

"Adam,they're 11 and 12, your youngest exorcist is 18, they can't join the army yet."

"Still that doesn't mean the demons can sneak on by while we're out there and find their way here and look, there they are defenseless and can't fight back. That makes them an easy target." He was frustrated and upset, they only started training them a week ago and he was already expect so much from them. Little did he know a young angel was listening in on them.


"I'm sure things will be fine Adam, we just need to train a little more."

"I don't know if we have more time to train them, Y/N, it's in a few months and I still have to check in with Sera to see how the weapons are doing and I have to tell my army and get them trained up again, I may be The First Man but that doesn't mean I can do it all,toots." It was clear that he was getting agitated that things weren't going his way, I reached out my hand to hold his, I squeezed it in mine as I looked up at him. "It's going to be fine Adam, just let me train them this time while you focus on the other things, I got your back, remember?" Adam gave me a smile as a sigh escaped his mask, " How can I forget when you you've been telling me that since day one?"

We continued to enjoy our sweet moment as we walked back to the training grounds. I was wearing a more appropriate attire for the occasion but Adam, stayed in his robe and mask, he even brought guitar this time. I doubt he will use it on the kids...right?

As we entered the grounds we were immediately greeted with a real spear heading towards our direction. This caused Adam to immediately push me out of the way while he just took a step to the side, the spear landed head first into the ground next to me. I was in a state of shock and I felt like as if I was paralyzed in place. I watched as I saw Adam's head shoot towards the direction the spear came from and his mask showed the expression of anger as I heard him yell.


💭Wait,Lute threw the spear?💭

"I am so sorry Mr. Adam sir! It was an accident I swear!"


Lute wrapped her wings around herself as Adam continued to stare her down, she felt so small and backed into a corner by Adam's rage, I immediately rushed to her side and shielded her from the angry 9ft tall angel. "Adam,just calm down, it wasn't her fault."

"WHERE did you get that spear?! Answer me when I'm talking to you."

Lute was shaking from fear, his tone was cold and stern, I would be lying if I said it didn't scare me a little to. "I-I f-found it b-by the r-rack s-sir." Adam glared at her so intensely. "And who, gave you the spear?"

"Adam, she's just a child calm down, you're turning hostile."

"V-vagatha s-some how s-summoned one, s-sir."

Adam's attention immediately shifted in search for Vagatha until his eyes spotted her by the rack of wooden spears, he immediately stomped towards her and crouched down to her height and grabbed her wrist bringing her close to him. He looked over her tiny body and immediately picked her up and carried her out of the grounds, I immediately took action and followed in pursuit with Lute in my arms, I knew from past experiences that Adam could be absolutely brutal when he's angry, I feared for Vagatha's safety. "Adam please she's just a kid. Don't do anything rash."

"Rash?RASH?! THIS BADASS CAN SUMMON FUCKING SPEARS! ITS LIKE THIS LITTLE PHYSCO WAS BORN TO FIGHT! AND LUTE HAS A FUCKING ARM!" His tone was loud and filled with excitement, what happened to him being pissed earlier?

"W-wait your not mad?"

"Well I was earlier till I knew the amazing advantage the army will have with these little killers! We have to tell Seagull Chick!"

"And what are we supposed to tell her?"

"I was right! These crazy bitches were born to fight!"

The Family Of Eden ꧁Adam x Reader꧂Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant