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comso_2003 (this is to help them find the chapter.)

The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who fathers a wise son will delight in him. Proverbs 23:24

I opened my eyes to the feeling of warmth on my face, I look up to the light of the sun peaking through the window, it was a lovely sight. I yawned as I sit up in the large bed and stretched my upper torso, I looked around the room and noticed I wasn't at my house.

"Where the fu-"

I suddenly feel something wrapped around my waist and I see a golden wing spread across the bed.

"No, don't...shit."

I look over to see Adam asleep next to me, one of his arms wrapped around my waist and his wing covering me like an extra blanket. This was bad, we have court in god knows how soon and Adam isn't one to simply wake up like any normal angel, and from past experience with him, this man can be fucking clingy when he wants to, one time it took Sera,Emily,Vaggie, and Lute to pull him off of me, he hates being reminded of that day.

I try my best to sneak out of his arms but he pulls me in closer to him, I was a morning bird and Adam was just an angel that could sleep all day if he could. But today can't be that day. I try to escape once again but failed...again.

"Can you just fucking stop already? I'm trying to sleep..."

I look over to see Adam,awake and glaring at me.

"I'm sorry I just need to get ready for court today, you should to."

"Well fuck,fine, but you're in my Penthouse babes. The only clothes you have here are the ones I tore off, and last I remember you asked me to tear them up-"

"Got it Adam thank you..."

"Here, just take my robe before you do anything, and while you're up can you make me some coffee?"


"Thanks babes."

I watch as he pulled the covers over his face as he tries to sleep again. I pick up his white casual robe and put my arms through the sleeves and wrapped it around me, to cover myself. I yawn as I walk down the hall and down the stairs into the house's main room.

 I yawn as I walk down the hall and down the stairs into the house's main room

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💭so many windows...💭

I walk into the kitchen and begin to make some Coffee for the both of us. As the coffee begins to brew I look around the main room, for a place that doesn't have many solid walls there's a lot of art of rock bands from the 80's,70's, and 90's- are those guitars from the bands? I'm not surprised if they are. As I continue to wait my mind continued to travel back into memories of what I had done with Adam causing my face to turn red, the images were so vivid and exotic, he left fucking marks on me!

The Family Of Eden ꧁Adam x Reader꧂Where stories live. Discover now