It took just one bullet.

He recalled the great memories he had with her, pushing away the dirty facts behind those and the bad ones she recently created.

He wanted to see her to his heart's content for the last time.

He tucked back her hair and attempted to wipe the blood but it kept coming out from it and from his shot wound as well.

Up until now, he didn't realize that he was not at all ready to let her go. He thought he was doing good not letting her invade his mind much but that wasn't the case it seemed.

Some minutes later when he was still in his trance, Luka dragged him inside.

Now they both stood alone in the quiet room.

"Romano..." he started but then stopped.

He pulled on his hair and paced around the room holding his wounded arm while his friend sat there on the chair, motionless with blood dripping off of his fingers on the floor.

"I know it's going to sound fucked up but what's done is done. You got to move on from this and focus on your future, man" Luka said in a calm manner.

There was a knock at the door and he looked at the door.

"Doc's here" Trevor, his security team head informed. Luka nodded and got up.

"Come on, we already lost so much blood" he murmured and took him out where there was the makeshift operation room.


Ailee was sleeping in her room when someone knocked at her door hurriedly. She has not been sleeping well these days so she quickly woke up and opened the door.

Her parents stood there with a concerned face and came inside.

"Honey, we want you to not get too shocked by what we're about to tell you" her mother began and it only fuelled her anxiety.

"What is it, mama?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Romano just lost his mother and we think that we should go there. Poor boy must be so lonely in these hard times" She broke the big new news with great caution and Ailee stumbled back with a gasp.

She started looking for her phone to call him but her mother stopped her.

"We talked to Luka and he asked to not call Xavier directly. He is not really in the mood to talk and we are afraid he might say something he doesn't mean, okay? We will leave immediately. Come down when you're ready." They left after making sure she was alright and had begun preparing.

She picked up her phone and left some consoling messages for him and got changed.

Her siblings were awake when she went downstairs and they hugged them goodbye.

She was fidgeting and praying for him all through the way.

They landed in a few hours. It was the break of dawn and her restlessness kept increasing.

Her first time in Russia and for what reasons.

Three black cars took them to his mansion and the whole place was bustling with people. She ran inside, looking for the one face that she terribly missed in these few days.

Enzo found her half way, crazily searching rooms and halls and decided to help the poor girl.

He guided her to the room he was in at the very back of the mansion where there was no one but him.

She gently closed the door and looked at him from there.

His shoulders were drooped, displaying his tiredness.

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