chapter 45

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Xavier waited outside the fairly old building in his car for either Alex or Mr Laurent to show up. He informed them about Alvaro being in his possession because it was their right as well to punish him for hurting their family and also because he wanted to let them know that he wouldn't die an easy death. They knew he would do much more to him than what they could possibly imagine and so they were not up for the idea of the girls witnessing the gore sight and they decided to tell them afterwards.

Fifteen minutes later, Alex walked inside the only decent room in the structure and greeted Xavier with a solemn face. He was bubbling with anger and anxiety. He didn't know what he would do or how he should deal with it considering it was his first time facing something like this but he was slightly assured that Xavier was there and he would take care of the matter in the best way possible.

How can one doubt a person like him after all?

In the dimly lit room with a stinking smell of rusty metal and flesh, lied a bloody man surrounded by heavily armed guards.

"Give him some water" Xavier ordered his men while walking to the sole chair in the room but he didn't sit, he just put his hands on its backrest and leaned forward.

Immediately two bulky men brought two heavy buckets of ice-water and poured it excruciatingly slowly on that battered man's face making his mind and limbs go numb from its effect.

He was losing his senses when they finally stopped and he gasped for air like a fish out of water.

"Morning" Enzo mumbled and pulled him up by the collar of his torn shirt making him stagger on his feet.

Alex stood there silently. He could sense the immediate change in the already dangerous aura of Xavier and couldn't stop the shiver that ran down his spine after seeing how things are done in his world.

"Alvaro Russo" Xavier said venomously, slowly running his finger over the edge of the knife.

Alvaro shivered hearing the coldness in his voice.

He heard his end in his voice.

He walked over to him and fisted his hair to make him meet his eyes.

"Do you know what you've done" he said rather than asking and pierced the knife near his genitals and dragged it till his knee.

Thick streaks of crimson immediately flowed out of his gash followed by screams and cries but to no avail. His pleas were falling on deaf ears.

"I- moth-er-fuck-" he gasped uncontrollably.

" I have so fucking much to do to you but unfortunately, I'm running short on time" he said and paused to look at his fear stricken wet face.

"These were the hands that slapped her hmm?" He said and screwed his nails-less fingers with the sharp, heavy tool.

Alex flinched when he screamed again but forced himself to watch everything with only one thought in his mind.

He deserves it for what he did to his sweet little sister.

"And choked her?" He continued and attached wires to his barely-there-fingers before sending waves of high voltage electric shocks throughout his body.

He repeated the process three times and stopped to let him breathe for his next rewards. His cries had died down and he was pale and blue wherever there were less bruises.

"Nuh uh you're not going to die like this" he slapped his cheek so hard a tooth flew out of his mouth and landed on the floor causing his goons to snicker in the background.

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