"You're a lot better since we've left." Grimmjow observes, your eyes flick to him and he's looking at you with his head cocked. Your brows knit in confusion and you hum at him in question. He sighs before continuing, "I don't know, you're just all happy..." He says with a shrug, "You're laughing and smiling and just, different." He finishes with a shake of his head and a roll of his eyes as if he's annoyed you questioned him before looking away from you.

You don't know what he means by different and you can't tell if he means it in a negative manner or not. "I'm sorry?" You answer quietly in more of a question than a real response.

Grimmjow's bright blue eyes snap back to yours, they look impossibly bright in the orange hues of the setting sun, "Don't apologize- I didn't mean it like that." He says with a sigh. "It's a good thing, you don't seem as... Miserable." He explains. He's right you guess. You hadn't been on the road long but between you leaving and Aizen's absence before you had left you felt more like yourself for the first time in a while. You still weren't fully the person you'd been before everything had happened and you doubted you ever would be but you were happier than you'd been in a long while.

You shrug at him a bit, feeling embarrassed about him observing you, observing your behavior, you wondered if he actually liked you or if it annoyed him. Everything seemed too but he also didn't seem as angry as he normally did and you wondered if he liked being away too, you hoped he did. "It just feels freeing... Being away." You tell him and he nods his head in what you assume is understanding. You think again about how you'd never have made it without his help, how foolish you'd been to think you could do this alone. He hadn't taken you up on your offer and if you were being truthful you didn't know if he would. He certainly didn't seem like he would, it had been days and he'd made no move to have you in his bed, he even slowed on the lewd comments.

"I know-" You start before cutting yourself off, you want to thank him again even though you know he doesn't like it when you do so. "I know you don't always like when I thank you." You start, "But I really do mean it, you were right, I wouldn't have made it." He's listening to you intently but he doesn't say anything, just listens and watches you. "Someone would have found me and probably taken me back and I don't think..." You pause looking for the right wording. "I don't think I would have made it like that. With him." You say letting him put together what you meant.

He nods his head slowly but doesn't say anything. You don't talk much the rest of the night besides when he tells you that you're not much further from the mountain and that if the weather held out you'd be there soon. The rest of the night follows the same path as the night before. Grimmjow sleeps far less than he should before waking and making you sleep and the following day is more or less the same as the previous.

Grimmjow spends the morning hunting and the rest of the day you spend finding the letters of the alphabet in your book and showing him while he sits behind you on the horse. He gets a few letters confused, not remembering well from the previous day but its progress all the same. Grimmjow informs you while setting up camp that you should be coming across a town sometime within the next day, he told you that the two of you would be spending another night at an inn. You're extremely ready to be out of the woods and into a real building, with a real bed and hopefully some way to bathe.

When you finally fall asleep for the night you again dream of Grimmjow taking you, which is a bit maddening in its own right. You had no reason to be dreaming about him in such a way and it frustrated you to no end. Especially as you began remembering said dreams randomly throughout the day as you rode towards the town Grimmjow had mentioned. It made it hard to talk to him and brought a flush to your face every time it happened and made you hyper aware of how close the two of you were, of his arms on either side of you or his chest to your back.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 27 ⏰

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