“This is the key to saving Gantailzia and bringing queen Lorraliell back”, Jillian thought.

            Jillian stood silently for a moment and looked at the key. Suddenly there was a gust of warm air. Jillian went blind for a moment and she could only feel the rush of a million colors whizzing by her. She could not see the colors but she could feel they were there and she could see music in the silence. Jillian could not describe the feeling. It was like she was completely weightless and not completely there. Her consciousness was dead but her mind still spun out of control. Suddenly the rush stopped and Jillian could see again. Everything around her was cloudy and white but in seconds it had turned to a deep purple and lightning zinged through the air, if there even was air. Jillian felt as if it was just her mind that was alive and her body was nothing more than a place to sit. Slowly a familiar face emerged from the dark clouds. It was Loukraiza but Jillian could feel that she too was not really there. It was all in her own mind. Loukraiza walked forward. Jillian could feel the witch’s emotions raging and her own had begun to bubble. Jillian knew that she had to stay strong. Loukraiza lifted one arm and hurled a gust of flaming light and Jillian. Jillian ducked and the attack missed her. Loukraiza hurled another flaming ball and the fight was on. Jillian surprised herself by creating her own ball of light and throwing it at Loukraiza. The witch did not duck fast enough and she was hit but she was not hurt. She stood up and threw yet another flaming ball at Jillian. This time Jillian was hit but she was not hurt either. Back and forth they went hitting and missing each other but neither one was ever hurt. Jillian became frustrated and made an even bigger ball of light that knocked Loukraiza back against the clouds. When Loukraiza stood up again the clouds where she had fallen separated to reveal a large key hole. Jillian stopped for a moment. Her mind was spinning. The key, where was the key? Loukraiza hurled another flaming ball at Jillian and she ducked just in time. Jillian ran back into the clouds where Loukraiza could not see her.

            “I have to get to that key hole with the key”, thought Jillian. “Where is it”?

            Jillian fumbled in her pockets franticly but could not find the key. Loukraiza had begun to hurl fireballs everywhere in order to find Jillian. Jillian made a ball of light and came out from behind the clouds.

            “What the matter Jillian”, asked Loukraiza? “Are you looking for something”?

            Loukraiza pulled the key from her pocket and held it out so Jillian could see it. Jillian dove on Loukraiza and threw her ball of light. Loukraiza fell back but was unharmed. Jillian couldn’t understand it. Why weren’t their fireballs hurting each other? Jillian puzzled for a moment and then realized something.

            “This is my mind”, said Jillian. “Loukraiza isn’t really here. I’m just fighting with myself. I can have the key if I want. It is mine”.

            Jillian walked towards Loukraiza slowly. Loukraiza threw fireball after fireball at Jillian but her body just deflected them. Jillian kept walking forward, her hand outstretched. She walked right up to Loukraiza and took the key from her hand. Loukraiza went into a fit of fury and began hurling flaming balls in every direction. Jillian tried to get to the key hole but the fireballs kept knocking her out of the way. Jillian ducked to the ground and pulled herself across the ground. Eventually she reached the key hole and she reached up and placed the key in the hole. As a last try Loukraiza threw a fire ball at the key hole but it was too late. Jillian had already turned the key. Loukraiza and all of the dark clouds vanished and everything was completely white again. This time however Jillian was not alone. Across the way Arabesque sat comfortably on a cloud.

            “Arabesque”, cried Jillian, “I was so worried. Are you all right”?

            “I’m fine”, Arabesque answered calmly. “How are you Jillian”?

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