As me and the girls were talking about how insane and funny she is, Stacy attempts to act like her, saying, "And I'm the star cutie pops, razzle-dazzle," and we congratulate her. We make it to class and ask up front with Aaron. We were just talking until Rabbi Rebecca came to the front of the classroom and said, "Shabbat shalom" and asked how we were feeling. She asked us about our mitzvah projects, and she started talking about David and Bathsheba.

I look over to my left and see Aaron take out his phone. I didn't know what he was doing, but I know he was on his phone. Rabbi Rebecca was talking about David and Bathsheba. She notices that Aaron is on his phone, so she says, "What a snake David is. You a snake, Aaron."

Aaron looks up from his phone, saying, "N-no."

"Ever pull something like that? Cheat on your wife?" she says, looking at me, suggesting that I was his wife. Aaron looks over at me confused, and I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what's going on. He turned back around. I'll look at Rabbi Rebecca and says, "M-me," but Rabbi Rebecca says, "Dude, I'm just messing around with you. Relax," she says, lightly punching his arm and continues talking, saying, "You're sweating, my goodness! You're not a snake, Aaron, you're awesome. Look at that long arm hair and mustache coming in strong. Baruch Hashem, Aaron, let's go," she says, dapping him up.

Time skip over to Kym's house.

We were putting on healthy, plant-based mud masks, and I said, "We should invite over Lydia." Then Kym said, "Yeah, sure, I'll text her." A couple of minutes later, she texted Lydia saying:

Unknown number

Hey Lyd, it's Kym. Having people over now, pull up if you're free.

Nice Can I bring Stacy? We're
hanging out rn.


Time skip

We were all just chilling on our phones, putting on masks and press-on nails, and doing each other's hair. Until one Megan asked Lydia if she had a crush. Sadly, she didn't. She said there's not a lot of options for boys in our grade. Her and Stacy started laughing, but then anya asked, "So, you just like boys then?" Lydia said, "Uh, I think so." Then Kym said, "Don't worry, some of us are straight too." We turned to Stacy, and she said, "I don't disagree." We all looked at her weird as she was just smiling, even me. I really didn't understand that. After a silent break, Kym asked who Stacy likes. She replied with, "No one, really." We all side-eyed each other, knowing that was a lie. After that, Kym asked me who I like, and I said, "I think Mateo. Mateo is cute and nice. I haven't known him for long, but he really is the sweetest." After that, Lydia said she's having a pool party, but nothing big. Most of us replied with, "That's cool," and Stacy started talking about how cool Lydia's house is. I cleared my throat and said, "Anyways, we should probably wash this off before we go," and Kym said, "We have to change before we leave," and Stacy asked, "Where are we going?" and then Megan said, "To the ledge." We went and washed the mud mask off our face, and we all got changed.

Time skip to the ledge

Most of us were just chilling on our phones, waiting for the guys to get here. But I was waiting for Mateo. When they arrived, they all threw their bikes down, taking off their helmets and tossing them by their bikes, or in Aaron's case, his scooter. I went up to Mateo and said hi, and he said hi back. After 3 minutes of talking, the conversation ended at what our favorite snack was. His was chocolate. I didn't get to say mine because Aaron yelled, "I dare one of you guys to jump in." But Mateo said, "Jump off the ledge, Aaron, you'll break both legs and your spine on impact." And I said, "Yeah, I heard from my sister that Melissa Quinto's cousin jumped and now she has to text with her nose, so no." Andy said it looks like fun, and Aaron said, "I'd jump if I didn't have my contacts in." I said, "Oh, I'd be happy to hold them for you, Aaron," and everyone started laughing and making fun of him not being able to see, while Stacy was just looking around. After a couple of seconds, Stacy said she'll do it, and we all looked at her. Lydia started arguing with her, saying she can't, and honestly, I was scared for her. I walked over to Mateo and just watched as he prayed. Everybody was encouraging Stacy to jump, and all we heard was "I swear to God, Stacy, NO!" When I saw her jump, I grabbed Mateo's hand out of fear, and I wasn't even the one jumping. When we heard her reach the water, we all ran over there to see. For some reason, I was still holding Mateo's hand, but he seemed like he didn't mind it, so I held on to it for a little longer. We all started shouting "Stacy," but Andy being Andy, he has to always do the most, so he says, "YO, STACY FRIEDMAN, YOU'RE A FREAKIN' LEGEND!" And she said, "That's how I do it." We all started cheering again until we saw a pad float up to the surface. That's when I let go of Mateo's hand and covered my eyes. Then Andy said Stacy just turned the legend into the red sea then the girls started saying it was natural. Then two girls said that Aaron couldn't handle a period, and he's a punk, bro, didn't even know what he did. I was getting sleepy, and my house is like a block from the ledge.

YSNITMBM Mateo X Fem ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें