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All you wanna do is sleep. Sleep and ditch the hectic schedule, the never-ending stress, and all the messed-up things your mom's drilled into your head.

First year at college's been a real pain, juggling your senior year of high school AND being an early admit at med school is way more of a grind than you bargained for. Panic attacks and anxiety ain't making it any easier, and the insomnia's just the cherry on top. Out of sheer desperation, you started taking sleeping pills. Wasn't entirely sure if it was a smart move, but you were sick of carrying the weight of your mom's expectations like a lead vest every damn day.

It wasn't 'cause she wanted you to dive into med school, nah, you picked that yourself. From when you were just a little kid, you got hooked on what those health whiz folks can do – saved your life once, they did. You've always been blown away by how skilled they are, making a difference when people are at their worst.

But then there's your mom... a real tough nut. She's got expectations higher than Mount Everest, especially on your dad before he passed. Now that he's gone, guess who gets to be her prime target? Yeah, you. Forced to bend over backward to become the "perfect child" she always dreamed of. No room for errors, not even accidental ones.

So, here you are again, popping sleeping pills like candy, just so you can drift off into the dream realm and shake off the stress, if only for a bit. Despite the whole Mom saga, there are still classes on the agenda tomorrow.

As you gulp down a bunch of pills, trying to make sure you're knocked out 'til tomorrow, a weird pressure in your head pops up. Then, it hits you like a freight train – HARD. Limbs go all numb, your head turns into a foggy mess, your eyesight blurries and your breath does the Houdini. You're gasping for air, attempting to produce some kind of noise, praying that maybe, just maybe, your mom would break her Netflix trance and swoop in to save the day. But nope, your lips are staging a rebellion, and all that comes out is some incoherent babble.

Scared as heck, limbs feeling like they're not even there, you realize what's happening: You're dying. And not only that, you are dying alone, in a sad overdose party.

Unexpectedly serene and peaceful, you're ready to peace out from all the crap you've dealt with. No more health issues, no more mom's emotional rollercoaster, and certainly no more crying marathons. It's time to rest... maybe even catch up with your old man.

As your weak lungs wheeze their last breaths, you're thinking of the love he showered you with till the very end. Those countless nights reading textbooks, the hospital stays where he tried to lift your spirits – good times in the middle of a life-changing event.

Unlike your mom, he never treated you differently. Didn't care about the physical limitations. Tears roll as you remember he stood up to your mom, when she wouldn't let you join martial arts classes after finding out you were being bullied at school. Your throat emits a muffled whimper as you recall his proud mug when you turned out to be a prodigy. Only regret? He left too soon. If he stuck around, maybe you wouldn't be in this mess – he'd never let you do this to yourself.

Gazing into the beautiful night lights of Manhattan from your open window, a gentle breeze brushes your face, as you embrace death's sweet hug...

... That is, until you unexpectedly wake up.

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