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Parinidhi's pov!

I munched on the cookies anxiously, as I sat on the kitchen island.

"Nidhi, what are you doing? If you keep eating cookies at this rate, you won't be able to eat breakfast and then Bhadra Bua will definitely give you a long lecture on the importance of breakfast.." Priya di warned, as she came to the kitchen and found me munching on the cookies.

I pouted at her and she came and stood near.

"What happened? Why do you look so dull?" Priya di asked softly and I let out a resigned sigh.

"You know, Priya di. All I ever dreamed of was finding my Prince Charming, marrying him and living a lazy life with him. Look at me now, what all I have to do.." I said dramatically and Priya di rolled her eyes.

"Being independent is the most important thing in life, Nidhi. Else, no prince will ever respect you.." Priya di said and I frowned at her.

"Prince charmings definitely respects their lady loves." I said confidently.

"They might love their woman beyond limit, Nidhi. But respect is more important than love in a relationship. You might not understand that now. You live inside a bubble, Nidhi. A happy little bubble. It's time you came out and see the real world and real men. You have to be financially and emotionally independent if you want your Prince Charming to respect you.." Priya di said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please.. Let me at least live my fantasy life in my dreams. Reality sucks anyways!" I said, making a face.

"Of course, live your fantasy life and miss your interview today." Priya di said sarcastically and my eyes widened in horror..

"What did you just say?"

"Look at the time, Nidhi. Don't you have to get ready for the interview?" Priya di asked in exasperation and I jumped down from the kitchen island.

"Hey Bhagwan! I am late. Why didn't you tell me already, Priya di? You kept talking and delayed me..." I complained with a huff and dashed to the bedroom leaving the cookie jar with Priya di.

I got ready in a jiffy and was running around the house, getting things ready for work when Bhadra Bua came towards me with a pooja thali in her hand..

She closed her eyes and prayed for me and did my aarti.

"Aww, Bhadra Bua. Are you praying for my interview? How lovely you are." I said and blew a kiss in her direction, making her glare at me.

"Shut up and stay still. This aarti keeps troubles away." Bhadra Bua said and I smiled widely at her.

"Those poor people in the office. They have no idea that the trouble's alternate name is Parinidhi Vyas." Bhadra Bua said and I pouted at her.

Bhadra Bua circled the aarti thali around me and my eyes zeroed in on the three laddoos kept on a plate behind her.

"Why are you looking at the laddoos, Nidhi?" Bhadra Bua asked in a stern tone to which I grinned and picked one and popped it as whole into my mouth.

Bhadra Bua shook her head and turned towards Priya di.

"Priya, you eat one too," she took the laddoo and offered it to Priya di but I snatched it away before Priya di could reach it.

"Priya di, I know you are not a big fan of laddoos. Moreover it's the same right, whether you eat or I do." I said with my mouth full of the two laddoos I popped in.

Swallowing it, I looked at the third one on the plate, only for Bhadra Bua to cover it with her hands.

"I love laddoos." She said sternly and I pouted at her.