Lila takes care of Bingo

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As I sit and wait with Bingos dad, he informs me of Bingos trip to the hospital, in which Bingo had been hurt by one of Blueys former friends. He says that Bingo will need time to rest and that she will not be going to school for a bit of time, which made me quite sad.

"Mr heeler, there is something you need to know." I told him.

He looked confused, but let me continue.

"Before lunch today, Bingo and I figured something out about each other, we like each other and want to be together. I wanted to have Bingo here to explain it, but if she's sick then I want you to know that I want to help her." I said, giving Bingos dad my most sincere face possible.

"Lila, thank you for being there for Bingo, I hope you two are happy together. It's amazing that you guys found each other so quickly." He said, "You make so Bingo happy everyday, she comes home and tells us all about your adventures."  He continued.

"Thank you Mr heeler, I promise I won't let Bingo down." I told him, he gave me a smile.

"I know you won't Lila, there they are now." He said as the heeler car pulled into the driveway.

"Bingo, you okay?" I asked my red heeler lover as I ran to her side.

"Not really, I'm at a 6 for a pain level right now." She said. Her mum brought out a wheel chair from the back of the car, and placed it in front of me.

"Here Bingo let me help you." I said grabbing her hand, and lifting her with everything I had to get her safely in the chair.

"Thank you, Lila, *Whispers* I love you" She said to me, which made me blush as I pushed her forward.

"I can't believe my sister is in a wheel chair..." Bluey said, "If only Jean didn't act like that... If only I acted quicker..." Bluey was starting to cry now, to which the other Blue Heeler recognized and held Bluey as she wept, hoping to ease her pain.

"Bluey, you did what was right in the time you had, Bingo is going to be okay my love, just be patient. Everything will rummage back into peace in no time." She said to Bluey, Bluey eased a bit and held her GF until they entered the house.

As we all got up the stairs, Bingo wanted to sit on the couch, which I helped her do so. As much as I knew she could move, I didn't want her to damage herself anymore than she already was, so I made myself obligated to help her.

"Lila, you don't have to help me, ya know. I'm fine moving on my own." She giggled at me. God her little laugh is my favorite.

"I know, but I want to take care of you, because I love you." I said to her, as her mum was watching us, making sure Bingo didn't get hurt as well.

"Bingo, Lila, are you guys...?" She asked us, luckily Mr heeler arrived.

"Yes chilli, they are." He said, "I honestly think it's amazing that they've found each other so quickly."

"Well, I'm going to go make dinner, Bingo Hun, do you feel like eating at all?" Chilli asked my lovable Heller girlfriend.

"N-No, it really hurts..." Bingo said, "I just want to lay down right now..."

"Then that is what you will do Bingo, hold on." I said to her, getting her a pillow set up underneath her, letting her lay down slowly and carefully, "You okay?" She was whimpering now.

"I... Don't want to feel like this anymore, the pain is horrible..." She said, starting to wine.

"Bingo, c'mere." I said as I embraced the red heeler, "I'm right here, you aren't alone in this okay?" I said, hoping she would calm down, but she started to howl in pain.

Bingos mum didn't like this, she ran in immediately and Bingo told her the pain was getting worse, but the spot of the bleeding didn't seem to be getting any bigger.

"The doctor said that we may need to release the blood from your body bingo. Here, Lila can you take bingos hand?" She said to me, I did as I was told, and she pulled out a needle.

"Bingo, I am doing this to relive the pain you are feeling okay? I am going to remove the blood under your skin." She said to Bingo, letting her know exactly what she was doing. "Just hold Lilas paw and look away if needed okay?" "Okay mum..." My bingo was very brave, she took my law and squeezed it tight.

We got close, head to head as Bingo was priced by the needle into her bruise, before we knew it, bingo was bleeding profusely, as the blood escaped from the now open location in her torso.

Bingos mum let the heeler bleed what was needed, as she grabbed a few rags to wipe the blood away, Bingo seemed to be relieved and calm now, it had worked.

"Bingo, you feeling better?" I asked her. "Yea, it's like the blood was putting pressure on me."

Bingos mum answered our questions for us, "Indeed it was Bingo, that's why when I opened the area, your blood came out so quickly, the pressure on your body was so profound that it shot out like a fountain." She said, with us now realizing Bingo and I were covered in blood.

Bingo, now relaxed and focused, got up, "Hey Lila, wanna take a shower with me? We can get this blood off in no time!" She said to me, I excitedly agreed, since someone needed to make sure Bingo didn't get hurt anyway.

Bingos mum looked at us in approval, and let us do our thing. We got into he shower, and about five minutes later, we exited the shower. I was now pink.

"Ah Lila! Look! I think my blood made you pink!" She handed me her mirror, to which I laughed, "Guess I have a part of you with me forever now huh?" I said, we shared a laugh, "Your mom will have to bleach your fur now Lils!" Lils huh? Loved it.

"Guess so Bingy. Love you" I kissed her on the cheek, to which she responded with a kiss on the muzzle, "Love you too"

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