Bri's confession about Bluey

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I walked into Blueys room to see her and her new friend Bri, another Blue Heeler.

"Oh hi, I didn't know Bluey had company!" I said, giving out my hand for a handshake.

She gracefully grabbed my hand in hers, "Nice to meet you, names Bri, what's yours?" She asked me.

"Bingo, but Bluey calls me shortcake!" I said, giving my sister the look of approval for there new friend.

"I do not! You made that up!" Bluey remarked.

I laughed, "Maybe I did maybe I didn't! Either way, good to meet you Bri, what are you guys doing?"

Bri looked at Bluey, then back at me, "Just talking, somethings up with one of Blueys friends, or so she thinks."

"I actually wanted to talk to Bluey about someone, it's Jean-Luc." I told them, "Oh? That's the person we were talking about!" Bluey chimmed in.

Just then, we heard a rustle in the bushes outside Blueys open window, it was Jean.

"What the? Jean-Luc? What're you doing?" Bluey asked him.

He didn't respond, but left quickly, seemingly embarrassed.

"That was..." I began.

"Weird" Bluey and Bri finished my sentence.

"So Bingo, have you and Lila talked yet?" Bluey asked me, "Yes actually, she's coming over for dinner tonight to bring it up with mum and dad!"

Bluey gave me a surprised look, "That's amazing Bingo! So you guys are together now?" Bri looked spooked, "Wait, Bingo you like girls?" Bri questioned.

Me, being a kid still to some extent, quickly answered, "Yes I do, sorry if you feel uncomfortable." I said.

"No it's alright, I do too. I actually was going to bring this up later, but no better time than now." She said, grabbing Blueys hand.

"Bluey, I do adore our time together, even if it is short. You may not feel the same but I do like you and I feel like you should know that." She said with confidence. Bluey gave a surprised look and hugged Bri.

"To be honest Bri, I like you too. Plus, you're pretty cute for a Blue Heeler." Bluey remarked.

It was all falling back into place, me and Bluey were getting closer again and now we are happy once more.

"This is amazing bluey!" I said, "you and I both found love interests!" I said openly, which Bluey gave me a thumbs up.

"Bri, would you like to stay for dinner as well? I know it's sudden but-" Bluey was cut off by Bri kissing her, as they pulled away Bri spoke, "Id love to" Aww...

"Then it's settled, it's a double date with our parents at the helm!" I said cheerfully.

Just then we heard a screeching sound, it was on Blueys Window again...

Jean luc was now in the window, looking as if he was ready to pounce upon someone.

He pulled himself through, and before we knew it, he was on top of Bri.

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