Chapter - 31

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Recap: Veera tried to initiate a conversation with Kanmani but she is busy in taking care of Anika.


Arul stopped the car and Kanmani got down followed by Anika. They stood before the little home of Lakshmi. Kanmani held Anika's hand and pleaded her.

Kanmani: Anika, this is not like the usual tattoos like people get done by professionals from the city. You may get fever or fall ill. You are not used to this type of living of ours. Please think again. I don't want something bad to happen to you and I will be responsible. Moreover Radha ma and Krishnan sir will scold me if you fall ill not only that just remember about your husband please.

Anika: Even if don't believe in all these things our situation forces to believe in them that may give a positive feel for our broken heart right ? So let me do it Kanmani and nothing will happen so don't worry.

Kanmani: don't say the same which I told you Anika.

Anika hissed when the needle touched her bare skin on her left chest. Kanmani wrapped her hand around Anika as Lakshmi continued her work.

Kanmani Mv: Should I get one ? Why did I never thought of getting this done ? 

Once the work was done Anika wore the saree and they returned home. Radha saw Anika's face and turned to Kanmani who informed everything.

Radha: Anika, everything will be alright. Now have lunch and get rest. Kanmani stay with Anika in her room. If she get fever call me I will get medicine.

Kanmani and Anika had lunch and Anika returned to her room to get changed. Radha pulled Kanmani to enquire about Anika's day.

Kanmani: Radha maa, she is so broken and all she does is cry. Every single thing is reminding him to her I think.

Radhika: I hope this ends soon and we could see her smile. Now go check on her.

Kanmani who had been waiting for Anika outside the room smiled when the door opened for her to enter.

Kanmani: Anika, sleep now. I will sleep on the floor.

Anika: Stop it Kanmani and now come and sleep on the bed next to me. Its not like I will be rolling and even if I roll and crush you please endure it.

Kanmani tied her hair into a bun and laid next to Anika who was also facing her.

Anika: Kanmani shall I ask you something ?

Kanmani nodded her head and Anika sighed before proceeding.

Anika: I don't know what is the problem between you and Veera bro but I can see that he too love you a lot and you too love him so why are you avoiding him ?

Kanmani: Love is not simple as it is said Anika. Yes I love him and he too loves me but there is a different in the love we talk about.

Anika got confused and sat leaning back on the wall. Kanmani too sat and leaned on the head board.

Anika: Love is love and what is the difference you are saying ?

Kanmani Mv: Kanmani use this chance and let her realize what true love is. I m so sorry Veera I m using you here to make Anika realize her love for Ishwar brother.

Kanmani: I love him and he too does but he loves the Kanmani whom he had pictured the way he wanted me to be and not the real Kanmani for whom I am. Love doesn't work that way Anika. True love doesn't see the negatives of the person they love. If their love is strong enough then all the negatives and wrongs will never come in their way to stop them from being happy together.

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