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Jade Pov
Oh girl your outfit looks so hot Nicki says as we walk to the bar. Thank you I say as she takes my pictures.

Yeah we need to get all of our picture out of the way cause we definitely won't remeber to take them after Brie says as we walk inside of the building

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Yeah we need to get all of our picture out of the way cause we definitely won't remeber to take them after Brie says as we walk inside of the building. Oh this cute I say looking around. Yes this where we go to get the best drinks and there's like no paparazzi  Nicki says as Brie orders us drinks. Here guys Brie says handing all of us a shot. Whooo that's strong I say as I take the shot. Yes girl Nicki says as she grabs another one. We are really going get fucked up I say also taking another one.

Brie Modeee I yell as Brie gets on top of one of the tables. Yesss she screams as she almost falls off the table. Oh my gosh get down Nicki says helping her sister onto the seat. Wait my phones ringing I say looking for my phone. Here found it Nicki says as I answer the FaceTime. Hello I say drunkly. Babe where are you I hear Josh's voice say. Babe I'm out with Nicki and Brie I say showing them in the camera.

Hey Josh, Brie yells

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Hey Josh, Brie yells. Hey twins Josh says as I put myself back in the camera. Yeah I'm just out I say taking another shot. Ight babe I was just worried I was texting and you wasn't answering thought yo ass got kidnapped he says making me laugh. No I'm fine I say smiling. I can tell you drunk so imma hang up love you call you tomorrow he says. Love you moreeee I say as he hangs up. Ugh you guys are so cute Nicki says. Thanks I say back putting my phone in my purse. We should stay in a hotel for the night I don't wanna go back home Nicki says. I agree I say putting my hands up. Let's go Brie says as she stumbles off the lounge. Oh lord help the girl I say pulling Brie up but she just pulls both of us down. Oh my gosh guys get up Nicki says as the cameraman help me and Brie off the floor. Oh my fuck that was funny I say as me and Brie die laughing. Let's just find a bench what do we need a room for Brie ask drunkly. No right like in the wilderness I say laughing. I'm not sleeping on a bench Nicki says as we walk to a hotel. Calis so nice I say as I lean on Brie. I know I love it here you need to get a house down here Nicki says as we walk inside the hotel. Josh would fucking kill me I say to her as Brie starts talking to the receptionist. Hey get us a room Brie says. Oh no she means please I say drunkly laughing. Yeah of course the worker says handing Nicki a key. Ugh I'm so tired I say as we walk to the hotel room. I'm not walking anymore I'm going crawl Brie says as she crawls to the room. Get up this floor is disgusting Nicki says as she opens the hotel room door. I'm so tired I say as I fall on the bed and drift right to sleep.

What's that sound Brie ask groggy. My phone where is it I say as I wake up all the way. Purse Nicki says still halfway asleep. Hello I say on the phone. Um may I speak to Jade the other person say. Yea this her I say sitting up in the bed. This is Nick the smack down show manger todays the run through of the show just making sure you were coming in he says. Aw yes I am I just a little bit running behind I say as I jump out of bed. You are fine the doors will be open when you get here he says before hanging up. What's wrong Nicki ask as I jump out of the bed. I totally forgot that since the smack down show is tomorrow I  a have run through today I say looking for my shoes. Your wearing the same outfit Nicki ask. It's all I have my clothes are at your guys studio with the rest of my suitcases I say as I run out the door.

Hey I'm so sorry I'm late I say running into the arena. Your fine Nick says as he hands me the script. Ok it's only like a line I say reading the paper. Yes you know didn't wanna put to much on you to soon he says. Oh ok I say looking over the paper. Ok well I'll let you get familiar with that and we will go over it soon he says walking away. It's nothing to go over I say to the cameras rolling my eyes. Look at yo late ass I hear a voice say. Not today Jon I say laughing. Why you so late how you going be late to your first run through he ask as I lean against the ring. Look I went out and enjoyed Cali I say to my brother in law. I'm going have to tell yo man he calling all of us to see when you made it Jon says as I read through the paper. You been on smack down for a little yall always get one line words I ask him. Nah uce I get a full segment why he ask. Look I say handing him my paper. Damn that's short they must think to ass can't act he says laughing. That's not funny it's just like damn I switched for more opportunities not less I say to him. You going get more sis don't even trip come on let's go to catering he says as we walk to the catering table. Hey Jade, Bianca says coming behind me. Oh my gosh hey my love I say hugging her. Look I'm suprised you so smiley I was looking for you she says eating. What why am i not supposed to be smiling right now I ask. You must've not seen your man story she says looking at me. Oh I'm out Jon says walking away. Girl I foreal just woke up what story his insta story I ask. Oh girl look she says showing me her phone.

🎀End of chapter🎀

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