Chapter XIII

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Life in District 13 was by no means easy, but that didn't mean it wasn't fun. I helped sew new clothes for Maude Ivory, Nixie, and everyone else in District 13. The bunker was comfortable with neatly organized crates pushed into a corner, and plenty of water. It was a good thing, considering that the weather was quickly getting colder. I wasn't the best seamstress by any means, but it didn't matter. Most of the people here seemed glad to wear even a potato sack than their gross clothes. While I was stitching a dress (it was easier since I didn't have to worry about pants being the right length,) Maude Ivory rushed over. "Lucy, can Nixie and I please go with Jessamine to help her find food before winter?" At first, I was hesitant. Maude Ivory was just a child. But she seemed so excited that I couldn't help but smile. "Alright. But be careful, and don't let Jessamine out of your sight." Maude smiled and gave me a huge hug, which I returned, taking care not to prick myself with the needle I was holding. Nixie got permission to go, so Jessamine, Nixie, Maude Ivory, and Tiana climbed up the steel ladder to the surface. I wasn't sure if it was the right decision to let Maude Ivory go into the wilderness, but I had to trust her. After all, she had found me by herself at the cabin. Just the thought of the cabin directed my thoughts back to Coriolanus.

I hated him, so much. But at the same time I missed him, and I hated that I missed him. I missed the Coriolanus that protected me in the arena. I forced the harsh reminder into my mind that he changed, that he was willing to kill Sejanus for his benefit. But I still missed the feeling of having someone watching me and making sure I was safe and well-fed. Then I remembered his face as he shot at me. He wanted me dead. More than that, he wanted to be the one to kill me. If he really and truly wanted me dead, he could have just done nothing to help me in the Hunger Games. I trusted him, and he betrayed me in half a second. I had to leave because I did not doubt that he would do it again if it meant that he could benefit. A few people who had been exploring a hallway off of the bunker returned with smiles on their faces. "What is it?" I asked, seeing that they had found something of interest. "We found an underground system that seems to spread throughout most of District 13. A lot of it is destroyed, but there is still stuff that we can salvage. Maybe even rebuild." A woman said. All I knew about her was that she was from District 3, so I was that if she said they could salvage and rebuild that it was doable. "Come look." A man from 11 said, and I gladly stood up and set my sewing down. I didn't mind helping by sewing, but my back hurt from sitting all day long. I followed them into the hallway, the metal door slamming shut behind us. The woman from 3 went first, holding the lantern. None of us said a word as we walked through the hallway. Finally, she pushed open a door at the other end.

More wreckage. The hallway was partially collapsed, and wiring frizzed around us. "What's this?" I asked, slipping through a small gap between two wall panels. The woman followed me with the light. "It's a control center!" She said excitedly. "I didn't see it before. If the wiring isn't completely trashed, we might be able to get some lighting in here. Maybe I can get the automatic door blocking the rest of the hallway open too." She began tapping buttons, and after a moment she handed me the lantern. I watched as she pried the control panel open. Underneath it was a mess of technology that made no sense to me, but she twisted some wires and did some fancy technological stuff before closing the panel. This time, when she tapped the button the screen lit up. It was flickering, but she managed to get the lights in the control center on. Half of them at least. After a few more moments, the man from 11 called out. "There are lights out here now. Was that you Orichala?" The woman next to me called out.

"Don't worry, we found a control panel! I'm trying to get lighting on." After a few more moments, the screen fizzled out to black. The woman, Orichala I suppose, sighed. "Battery died. Carry what you can." I was about to respond when she stuffed wires and computer chips into my hands. Then we climbed back to the bunker. I set everything on top of a crate for Orichala to look through. I was about to ask "Where is everyone?" When I turned around and saw them. They were all in a corner huddled around someone who was lying on the ground. What was going on? Then my heart dropped to the floor. It was Jessamine.

Author's Note

I am really sorry it has taken me so long to update! I have an updating schedule and this should be updated every weekend (I have a book with my update schedule now like I'm cool or something) I just had some writer's block and ran out of ideas of what to do next... But inspiration has struck so I should be writing more now.

-Anonymous Mockingjay

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