Chapter VII

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I can't hear what they are saying, but I see them lean forward and say things to each other, and I take the opportunity to quickly stoop to the ground, scooping up a few rocks. I take one and throw it hard, to the other side of the clearing. The Peacekeepers, who had been talking, didn't see it fly past them, and all jumped as they heard it hit the ground. They whispered some more, but I could tell they were nervous, the way they were huddling together and lowering their heads. Perhaps they thought it was some sort of predator. After a few moments, they all grab their rifles and hurry towards the direction of the stone. I throw another one, a bit further away, and hear the Peacekeepers tromp that way. I can't help but smile a bit as I dart forward, toward their camp. The first thing I do is grab an empty backpack. I grab a thick blanket and roll it up hastily, shoving it into the backpack, followed by another one. I hear footsteps, and jump, throwing another stone in a different direction. I needed to keep them distracted. I manage to stuff the six canteens sitting out into the backpack too, which were already full. When I zip up the bag, I notice that it has another, smaller pocket. I sneak over to the water barrel and fill the pitcher, drinking as much as I can hold before refilling it and stuffing it back into the backpack. I grab a second backpack, which has a few rations in the bottom. I quickly throw the fire tray and spit into the bag. Then, I hear them approaching, and know I don't have much time. I hastily yank the tent out of the ground, rolling it up into a bundle in my arms. It was really a small tent, barely big enough for the five Peacekeepers. But it was good enough. I grabbed another backpack, to hopefully store the tent in, but I didn't have time now. Just as I was slinging one backpack over each shoulder, the tent and a backpack in my arms, they emerged back into the clearing.

It took them a moment to realize that my arms were full of their stuff, and that moment was all I needed to start running. They started firing their rifles, at me. But I had been shot at before, and ducked, throwing myself to the ground behind their crate of rations. While they were running toward me, I grabbed a few large handfuls of ration packets, stuffing them in the folds of the tent, then I leapt up and started running. I reached the treeline first, but I could hear them behind me. I wove through the trees in the most uneven path I could, trying to shake them off. The whole time, I made sure I remained oriented, keeping the direction of the little camp fresh in my mind. I tried to lead the Peacekeepers away from it. The terrain started to get steeper and more hilly. Then I skidded to a halt. There was a large, steep cliff before me. And I could hear the Peacekeepers yelling behind me.

I don't know what to do. I can't go forwards, and I can't go back. I was trapped, and the Peacekeepers were getting ever closer. Then I knew what I could do. What I did to Coriolanus. I would have to sacrifice something, to lead them away from me. I scuff the dirt in the opposite direction of the camp, making thick, deliberate footprints in the dirt. After a minute or so of walking, I place the empty backpack on the ground, and step into the forest. Almost immediately, I find a small snake coiled under a bush. It has fangs, so I'm careful to clamp its mouth shut as I place it on the backpack. Then I dash into the trees, camouflaging myself under a bush. It's dark enough I shouldn't be spotted. The Peacekeepers fall for my trap, picking up the bag. "Huh?" I hear one say, their voice gruff but confused. Then a yell as the snake bites him.

The other Peacekeeper's voices overlap, and I hear one yell over the others, "Forget the girl, he needs medical attention!" I wait for a few minutes after their footsteps retreat. Unfortunately, they took the backpack with them. Oh well. While they were going back to their camp, I needed to get back to mine. Hopefully, they don't know where it is. It should take them a while to find it, and I hope they don't even know where to start. But then it hits me. What were Peacekeepers doing, being dropped off in the wilderness by District 12? Unless... They had to know there were runaways, and they were trying to catch them. What if the rich supplies were just bait for a trap I fell for? No, even Peacekeepers need supplies. There has to be a rational explanation. But I couldn't think rationally, not after being exhausted and dehydrated for most of the day, running from Peacekeepers actively shooting at me. I make it back to the camp, almost asleep. I see the fire is almost out, and throw more wood on it before falling sound asleep next to Maude Ivory.

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