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A throaty groan left me as i pulled myself out of my bed and walked over to my alarm, i put it on snooze and hopped right back in my warm sheets. The way too early morning light flooded my room and i pulled my sheets over my head. What felt like 30 seconds later my damned alarm rung ag-

Oh shit. I quickly climbed off my bed and ran to my phone to turn it off. I don't even have time to yawn, Todays valentine's day and i need to look my best. I shoved all my makeup in my bag, and picked out my outfit, The dress code at my school was killer so i opted for jeans and a pretty pink sweater.


I don't have time for texting strangers (probably pedophiles) on snapchat right now. I played some Deftones on my spotify and  cut on the shower water, The steam filling the bathroom. I quickly showered, making sure to wash my hair and exfoliate and shit. After 15 minutes of rubbing my skin raw, i shaved me legs and arms, a harsh wince left me, i fucking cut myself! Amazing. I left the shower and raked some cantu (curly hair brand) through hair and prayed it would be a good hair day, Madelyn gave me her unbrush thing she got from tiktok. I detangled each section and smiled, they weren't lying. This brush is great. Though it was only like 47 cents which is mildly concerning. I got dressed and grabbed my bag and coat. I waved bye to my mom and pressed for the elevator. The minute i left that house i started putting on makeup, i'm not allowed to wear makeup so i have to apply it on the b-


Oh, Madelyn's calling me. I answered as i got on the elevator. "Hey maddy"
"Hurry up and get to school"
"My mom is letting me go to the store"
"... interesting..?"
"So hurry up and get there so we can stay in there before school"
"Ohhh! Aii bet"
Madelyn started yapping about God knows what, I got out the elevator and ran to my bus stop, As i sat down, I applied my foundation and concealer. Spraying my face with setting spray and blending it all out. I put on my contour and and some blush. A man sat uncomfortably close to me. I smiled sheepishly and shifted away a bit.

"Hi" The man said, Bringing his hand to my thigh. A sharp gasp left me, as i swatted his hand away.

Madelyn halted her words, she furrowed her brow at the sudden voice and brought her face closer to the screen, she saw the man in the corner and twisted her face in annoyance.

"Go away" She spat at the man, though she wasn't that intimidating since she was threatening him through a screen.

I stood up swiftly, and grabbed my stuff. moving to a different seat. I began doing my makeup again, putting on my falsies and lining my lips, I put my highlighter on and some lipstick, with a gloss over it.

"Are you almost here, i'm about to leave and you now i'm like 5 minutes from school" Madelyn asked as she put her shoes on

"Yes girl, just wait" I responded with a hint of irritation, i can't stand being rushed.

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