"Let's cut the bullshit and get straight to the point.

1. There will be a wedding between us in seven days. But there will never be a marriage. The fake marriage will be real only for our families and the world.

2. Sharing a cabin at work can't be avoided as Grandma will have her elves spying on us.

3. You cannot stay apart from me for more than two nights. Which means you will be travelling with me and I with you in case of longer trips. I don't want any cringe bullshit involved to avoid this.

4. Keep your legs closed for the next five years Chahat. If I catch you, I will kill him first and then drag you to hell with me.

5. There is no way in hell I am touching you with a ten foot pole. So you don't have to worry about kids.

6. This shit ends the day after the wedding completes five years and we walk away like it never happened. Thank fuck for an expiration date.

7. Attending all the events together is a term, but I swear to all that is holy if you try to get near my family or try to fuck with them. My family is off limits for you."

I nod and reply as professionally as possible when I can feel myself trembling from within.

"Okay. Thank you for doing this for... my employees and my Grandfather. I will see you in seven days." I manage to squeak out and get the hell out of there.

I walk as fast as professionally appropriate but I know I am failing when I see people looking at me like I am gone cuckoo.

Maybe I really have lost my mind.

What the hell was I thinking was going to happen?

Marriage? Friendship? Love? Family?

You can never gain any of it in a business transaction. Even thinking that he would want to be my friend is madness. Just because he was my best friend once, just because he loved me once, doesn't mean our history is easy to forget.

Years of anger, pain and hate couldn't stop me from keeping myself from craving something so selfish.

I knew there won't ever be love or even a real marriage. But in the last three weeks, a tiny flame of hope burned bright enough to wish for the family that I once had. The friendship that we once shared.

I dared to dreamed about little things that won't mean anything to him or anyone that I can steal.

A real home after eleven years.

Watching a movie with him while bickering about how dumb the characters are.

Listening to thrashy songs in car on our way back home together.

Eating a meal with the family even if it was an obligation.

Just having someone to go home to.

Maybe it truly is too much to wish for. But it's a good thing that I know this before I went into this business deal with all the wrong expectations.

For the next five years, I get to work on resurrecting the Rai Group. When I walk away from this merger, our employees will still have their jobs and our company the ability to secure its future.

I have survived all alone for eleven years, but no matter how I look at the next five years, even after assuring myself of the outcome, I know I won't come out of it unscathed.

7 days later
The wedding day

My parent's marriage was a sick joke and I was the outcome that they openly agreed was the biggest regret of their lives.

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