5 A Sick Joke

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Chahat's POV

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Chahat's POV

I walk in Grandma Elodie's cabin, gathering every ounce of courage to get through this day. He is sitting with my Gramps by his side while Grandma is on the opposite couch.

I take in his sulky mood, clearly he is not happy with this merger but he still sits here because my Gramps kind of emotionally blackmailed him and Grandma bullied him into agreeing, failing he and his siblings will be stripped of their rights and kicked out with a maintenance so low that Gabriel vandalised my car as an act of rebellion. Yeah, the same kid who used to fight for my attention hates me. They all do, except Grandma El, maybe.

I would have never been here if it were not for the people whose lives depend on my actions. As much fear wants to takeover and turn me into the coward that I am, I steel my spine and take my space in the room and this merger. Reminding myself it's just that, a business deal. I have sat through the paperwork hundreds of times in the last eleven years. This is nothing to be scared of.

After greeting the grandparents, Grandma Elodie reads the terms necessary to make this merger to happen. Failing to meet the term means lost jobs for thousands of people and letting my Gramp' legacy turn to ashes.

1. Marriage between Harvey Falcon and Chahat Rai.

2. Sharing a cabin at work.

3. You cannot stay apart for more than two consecutive nights and more than sixteen days a year.

4. Sharing the same bed.

5. Being loyal to each other during this marriage.

6. No divorce before the marriage completes five years.

7. Attending all the events together on both sides of the families and business.

8. A heir to both the families in the next three years.

"Respecting your request was not easy for us Chahat but I hope you both really find each other back and this contract remains what it really is, just a piece of paper." Grandma El says making guilt seep into my pores because this time I am deceiving her. The saddest part of it all is that I am making him deceive his own family.

"Be my good girl Shona. Don't stop yourself from seeking happiness. You deserve it and so much more." Gramps says as I sit there my mouth turned up in a fake smile as I fool our grandparents.

"Harvey, take care of my girl. That's all I need from you." he tells him and he nods.

After talking about the wedding that's supposed to happen in a week, we are dismissed by our grandparents.

"Let's talk in my cabin." he orders as we walk out of Grandma El's cabin. He doesn't wait for my reply as he beelines to his office and sits in his chair. I sit in the chair opposite to him on his desk trying my best to calm my nerves as he starts speaking.

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