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Smg3 POV: 

TW: BLoOD (cutting lip)

I had walked in and saw the hero on his knees, clawing at his skin while his masks were all torn up and on the floor. He looked up at me, I was so shocked I had dropped the plate of food, not only did I recognize him, he also looked feral. It took me a few seconds to realize who the hero was, it was none other than Smg4. Now I know why I recognized him when he was selling tickets. I felt myself suddenly filled with rage, I slowly walked over to him. Crouching down to the other I whispered, "Recognize me?". Smg4 looked at me when I said this, his eyes going from constricted to normal. His normal personality was back.

"Huh?" Was the pathetic reply I got back. I brought a hand to the mask on my gas mask and ploddingly took it off. Realization filled his face, followed by confusion, then remorse. "W-what?" He shook his head. "NO-no... You can't be 3 he's gone." he spoke mostly to himself. I smirked and said, "You have lost the right to call me 3, but what if I told you this 3 faked his death to get revenge on the measly heroes." Smg4's mouth went slightly agape. I pulled him by his collar closer to me and whispered, "Now time for a silly murdering spree." I thought I would always live by my no-murder rule, but Smg4 was an exception. 

Smg4 POV:

I chuckled, and held both my hands up and said, "I would've told you to go for it, buuut...I can only die by old old age." Smg3's face at this moment was the definition of calm anger. He pulled out a small knife (whenever I write Knife in my head I go Kuh-nife) he brought this knife to my lips and said, "Say anything more and the knife goes through your lips.(Kuh-nife)

 I nodded, this only backfired for me. While I was nodding my bottom lip ran through the blade. The taste of blood filled my mouth. Smg3 laughed at this and said, "Failed already, eh?" I kept my head low and gave no reply. Smg3 pulled the blade away from my mouth. I watched as my blood ran down my chin and landed on my hero suit, turning it from a cobalt blue to a mulberry purple. Tears prickled at the edges of my eyes, I decided if my lips were going to bleed out, SO be it! I looked up and said,

Smg3 POV:

"I'm sorry" the hero looked up at me and smiled crookedly. I raised an eyebrow, and asked him for a favor, "If you're really sorry, will you let me dye part of your hair blue?". If I remember correctly, Smg4 ABSOLUTELY hates people touching his hair. If he still hated people touching his hair he'd probably hate this more. Smg4's face shifted and he showed signs of heavy discomfort. He shifted and slowly nodded. 

Huh ig huiresd hried sahottrryy thrnemn nthatedids nibnrce (huh he is really sorry then? That's nice) I contemplated a bit before standing up and reaching my hand out for Smg4 to grab. Let's get you bandaged." He look shocked upon hearing this but took my hand nonetheless. We walked in sync hand in hand, then I paused at the cupboard the first aid kit was in. Using my free hand I grabbed the kit. I let go of Smg4's hand and lifted him onto the countertop, startling him. (g a e) I found a patch and slowly placed it on Smg4's bottom lip. When I finished I looked up at him, he looked back and smiled crookedly. It was hard to tell if smiled like that naturally or if it was because of the cut.

I then realized that I hadn't fed him at all. I asked him, "Are you hungry?" he looked up for a moment, thinking and replied, "Yep, I..think?" I scoffed. "Why are you asking me?" He just shrugged. I suppressed a chuckle, he's the same idiot. Just then a voice flashed in my head, "FORGIVE NOT FORGET" I cleared my throat and motioned for Smg4 to follow me. He jumped off the counter, stumbling in the slightest before following me.

Smg4 POV:

I followed Smg3 through the lengthy halls, he stopped in his tracks. Confused I asked him what was wrong. After I asked that he promptly resumed walking, weird... I shrugged and followed him. He walked into kitchen without me noticing, so I ended up face to face with the wall and falling on my ass. Shuffling to get up I heard Smg3 sigh before grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He dragged me into the kitchen sat me in chair. Soon he came around and handed me spaghetti, my smile faltered it had reminded me of my idiot best friend Mario. Smg3 didn't seem to notice this and walked over to the other side of the kitchen, after handing me a fork.

I ate my food (A/N: losing motivation) as I should. Smg3 looked up from his phone and grabbed me once again to drag me somewhere else. He stopped at the door of his lair, as I tried to catch my breath I felt myself being lifted off the floor. Instinctively I closed my eyes, after about 2 seconds I felt the ground under my feet once again. I opened my eyes to find Smg3 standing next to me, and we were both in a mansion. He told me to stay where I was and rushed up the spiral staircase. Next thing I know Smg3 is back and tossing a purple shirt and black pants at me. He then guided me over to a bathroom and told me to change.

 Smg3 placed my bloodstained hero suit somewhere, and proceeded to grab me and teleport the both of us to a store. First he grabbed some bleach, then he grabbed the blue hair dye. I felt my stomach pool with dread. After that he went to the counter and paid for both items. He walked up to the door and held it open for me. I nodded at him aknowledgement and followed him back to his lair.

We were finally there. The first thing Smg3 did was drag me over to the bathroom and make me sit on my knees infront of the bathtub. He then started mixing the bleach, it seemed like an eternity before he had come over to me kneeled next to me. Smg3 put on gloves and started applying the bleach to my roots. I flinched at his touch, oh how I loathed it, but it felt weirdly...comforting? Well that's a first. I felt myself relax a bit, then I heard him mix up the blue dye with conditioner. Soon he applied it to my roots, I had always hated this. Why do I like it now?! (4 is dense asf) 

After a good 4 hours we were done. (hahah imagine taking this out of context) Smg3 led me over to a mirror, and showed me the results. The roots of my hair were now a Prussian blue. I actually...enjoyed that? Plainly following instinct I turned to Smg3 and said, "Hey, You did a nice job 3!" Shit. Smg3's eyes widened and the proud smirk was wiped off his face. I had accidently called him 3. I started profusely apologizing. Smg3 took none of it. He basically strangled me by pulling me by the collar and threw me in my cell room. He locked the door, and walked away. Right before he left he caught my eye, underneath all the anger I saw a hint of nostalgia, and happiness. 

Would we ever make amends?

              THE ENGDHND(TBC) {1,294 words} LONGEST CH SO FAR

How the flower crusher came to love the flower waterer. (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now