Mission: Fucking impossible

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3rd POV:

Smg4 rolled out of bed and laid on the floor until his ringtone went off. He lifted himself off the floor to look at the contact. It was Meggy, he picked it up and put speaker on. "The heroes from other states are here!" her voice rang through the room. Smg4 muttered out an "Uh-hujhh" before ending the call and changing into a plain blue t-shirt, jacket, and sweatpants. After splashing water on his face and skipping breakfast, he texted Meggy and asked her where to meet up. Meggy quickly replied, #############. Smg4 looked over it and locked his apartment and ran down (fell down) the flight of stairs outside of his apartment.

He had finally arrived at the location. A series of people he hadn't ever seen sat in a circle, the only familiar face was Meggy. He then sat in the only free space. Everyone then introduced themselves." Hey! I'm Tari!" She was a skinny but tall girl with purple eyes, short dyed blue hair and a robotic arm." Saiko." said the next person with a heavy Japanese accent. She was a tall muscular girl with, long pink into orange dyed hair tied into pigtails, and pink-tinted eyes. "Uhhmmm my name isn't actually this but I go by Boopkins!" He was an insanely short guy with dyed greenish blue hair and blue eyes. The next person who went seemed like she hadn't slept for five years. "Ugrrhhgg. The name's Karen." She had eye bags, hair cut into a short white bob with blue streaks in it, and eyes so dark brown they looked liked the void. "I'm BoB nIcE tO mEeT yOu." He had brown hair and eyes about the same as Karen's. The last person other than Smg4 went. "I'm Shroomy!" He was a tall, skinny guy with dyed red hair that faded into white at the end and he wore glasses. After everyone had introduced themselves it was Smg4's turn. "Uhhmm I'm Smg4." He got a couple noises of aknowledgement and, Saiko asked him, "Is that your real name?" in her heavy Japanese accent. Smg4 quickly replied. "Well no but, it's what I like to be called." She made a noise of understanding. 

MISSION PLAN TIME!!!!!!  Boopkins sprung up like a frigging spring and yelled out "Power of friendship!" Saiko looked at him with disgust and said "Power of friendship don't fix shit. What are you on, the original Coke?" The Japanese accent made the comment 100x funnier and everyone bust out laughing. (except Karen RBF fr) After a few long hours of planning they decided to put a tracker on the villain the next time he came around and follow him to the base and take all the goons out. After this they would save Mario. All heros agreed this mission would be very fucking hard (all but Boopkins he an enthusiast). After they had made a "HEROES" group chat. Then they parted paths. 



Our protagonists were doing adult life things like normal functioning flesh-suits. Smg4 was sleep-deprived and selling movie tickets. After dozing off for 5 minutes because no one had come in he awoke to the door opening. He quickly acted as if nothing happened and got ready to tend to the customer. Someone with long black hair and wine red eyes walked to the counter to buy a ticket. The stranger's eyes gave him a sort of deja-vu but he ignored it, and gave the guy his ticket and offered him an weary smile. Smg3 had walked into the cinema and bought a ticket. the person at the counter reminded him heavily of the guy who had wronged him all those years ago. The poor guy looked too tired and run-down so Smg3 chose not to comment and nodded at the weary smile he was given.

After he had finished his movie Smg3 stepped out of thingy and walked past the counter once again. He saw the guy starting to doze off, lolipop in mouth. Smg3 not wanting the man to choke shook him awake. The man's eyes fluttered open and he offered yet another weary smile to Smg3. Smg3 this time smiled back and walked out. Smg4 kept selling tickets but all throughout the day he thought of him, the stranger who smiled at him. 

Next thing he knew the city was in a panic. His shift was over so he rushed into an alley and transformed like he usually did and sent a signal to Meggy. He was the first to find the villain this time and chased after him. Meggy hadn't heard the signal. Smg4 tried his best to keep up but, the villain had teleportation and he was relatively (unlike the villain) unathletic. He had finally caught up to him and took the tracker he was given and started nearing the villain. Success! The tracker was on. Just then the villain turned back and lifted him by blood and flung him backwards, knocking him out. Meggy then had perfect timing and held the villain off. Soon Saiko came around and Swing! with one swing of her hammer the villain was off. 

Now came phase 2. 

                                             THE ENDD TBCC (LONGER CHAPTERS WOOHOO) {867 WORDSS}

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