Let's find out what the fuck the purple guy is thinking!

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3rd POV:

Smg3 was with his crew plotting his next moves. His plan thus far was to attack all the heros in the country starting with his hometown. He looked over to Melony a tall girl with dyed green and pink hair and pink eyes and asked, "How are the attack missions going, Mel?" She looked down and said, "They look fine for now." then she looked up. Smg3 made a noise of approval before deciding to wreak havoc once again. His plan was now to find the hero's civilian form. He came close last time.

He had been questioning one aspect though, the hero sounded like someone. He didn't know exactly who. He going to destroy him either way so he saw no point of finding who he was. He had transformed and made his way into the city. Now standing at the exact point he met the so called "protagonists". He lit a match and threw not at all caring for the other civilians.

Smg4 POV:

I was selling tickets to the newest movies when I smelt the distinct smell of burning. My boss and coworkers also smelt it and we were all sent off to go home. The second I got out of the building I booked for an alley and transformed. I jumped out of the alley and sent signals to my partners, Meggy and Mario. He hoped they had heard it and went into the raging fire. I may be half immortal but I could still get injured and it hurts the same. I was starting to feel faint when my partners arrived. Meggy took over the pursuit and Mario helped me usher the bystanders to a safer area. We returned soon to find Meggy chasing after the very same Purple villain. (PURPLE GUY RETURNS) We followed, I was still feeling faint so I arrived a bit later than my buddies.

He had Mario under manipulation Meggy tried her best to keep the guy at bay. I realized that he didn't know I was there, so I picked up the nearest object and swung. Headshot! The villain was still very awake but, he had let Mario out of the air. Knowing I couldn't break his fall I looked for something to atleast cushion it. I was too late, the villain was already off with Mario. The last thing I remember seeing was the guy running away before fainting. I woke up in my apartment bed. I was disoriented for a second before remembering Mario's situation. I quickly sprung up before getting motion sick and collapsing on my bed.

3rd POV:

Smg3 had one of the sidekicks captured. His crew was now with the hostage in the front rooms keeping an eye on him. They couldn't make out most of the words that came out his mouth due to the heavy Italian accent. Smg3 was tired of watching it and ordered his minions to put him in his cell. Smg3 smiled but because of the gas mask Mario only saw the corners of his eyes lift. Smg4 talked to Meggy and decided to take a few days off work and meet up with the fellow heros from other states to plot Mario's escape.

                      (THE ENDD TBCC) {535 WORDSS}

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