Chapter 9 - Scared..?

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July 10th
3 days later

Bad's POV:
I woke up last night about 1:00 AM and didn't end up going back to sleep. My mind was racing. Skeppy had been acting strange recently, he looked almost like he was scared of me. Which I thought was ridiculous, he knows I wouldn't hurt him, ever. He should know that by now.

Skeppy also took up the offer of living with me, so Rocco was here and the room he's been in is his permanent room. He kept having nightmares and not sleeping well though, that's the reason I couldn't sleep. I was scared for Skeppy, he was all the sudden scared of me, and he's been having more nightmares about my other form.

I kept asking myself questions I couldn't answer all night.
Why is he having nightmares?
Why is he scared of me?
Is it because my other form he's been having nightmares about is real?
Are the nightmares going to continue forever?
Will he get over it?
Will he run away from me if I yell at him?

I had so many questions, too many. Especially if I couldn't answer any of them. Some of them I can just ask Skeppy about, but he's probably not going to talk. He also was only scared sometimes, when I would go near him sometimes, but when I signal him to come over he obeys and I comfort him.

So why is he scared..?

Is he afraid that I'll turn into that terrible monster? I only use it when I absolutely have to, like when I need to protect someone. I'm not going to transform out of anger. I'm not that type of person.

A soft thud caught my attention. Skeppy seemed to trip and fell down a few steps. I ran over to him, even though he didn't scream or anything, just to see if he was okay. When I got close, he backed away from me, he went back up a few steps. Why?

"Skeppy, I just want to see if your okay.." I pleaded
He came back down the few steps he went up, still fearful.
"What's the matter..? Why are you scared?" I asked while I made sure he wasn't injured.
"I- I don't.. know.." He whispered
I picked him up and set him on the stool to wait for breakfast.

I set a plate of some pancakes in front of him and he started eating. I sat beside him with a bowl of fruit. I had the fruit because I didn't really feel like having pancakes, I made them because Skeppy loved them. He smiled at me and I smiled back, his smile was adorable.

Skeppy's POV:
Bad was noticing my strange behavior, ever since I started having my nightmares more often I kept getting scared that he would turn into that monster, wanting to hurt me. I shouldn't be scared though, I should know him better than that.

I've seen him angry at me, he's never turned into that, so why do I feel like he will at any moment? I honestly didn't know.. I didn't want to be scared of him, I wasn't trying too, but every time I saw him the images of that monster came to me and made me afraid.

I wanted to tell Bad that, but I couldn't. I didn't want to seem ridiculous and make a fool of myself. We're on the couch now, cuddling like nothing is happening in my mind. Bad had a worried expression on his face as he stroked my hair, he knew that I was afraid, he just didn't know why.

I liked him stroking my hair though, it was calming and comfortable. It forced the horrid images down. Rat and Rocco were playing in the other room, it sounded like they were having a blast. I was really exhausted, I haven't been sleeping well ever since my nightmares.

Bad seemed to notice. He laid my head on his shoulder and placed me in his lap.
"Go to sleep, please.." He pleaded me.
He didn't have to beg me, my eyelids were already about to give way. I was severely exhausted from so many sleepless nights, it was honestly hard to stay awake at this point.

Bad started humming a familiar tune, it was my favorite song. He wasn't really singing the lyrics, just humming the tune, obviously desperate for me to sleep. He somehow always seemed to know what I needed, and right now that was sleep. No question.


This was my favorite song, I wanted to listen to it. I wanted to stay awake now, but my body wouldn't let me. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake so I could keep listening, it just wouldn't let me.

After fighting sleep for a few minutes, I finally gave in to slumber.

Bad's POV:
I breathed a sigh of relief as Skeppy's eyes closed and he relaxed himself. He fought sleep for a few minutes, his eyelids fluttering open every time they were about to close. He was finally getting some overdue rest.

I decided I would sleep too, I've been awake since 1:00AM so I was a bit tired as well, but I forgot one thing..

Sapnap's POV:
I biked over to the address Bad had sent me. He wanted to talk with me, and hang out. I parked my bike on the fence and opened the gate, then tried the door and it was unlocked, I expected to get a greeting of barks and growls, but no dogs popped up to acknowledge my unexpected visit, and no one came to the door. Weird.

I walked over to what looked like the living room and was surprised to see Bad and Skeppy sleeping on the couch, Bad was laying down with Skeppy on top of him. I didn't know Skeppy was here. I thought to myself. I didn't know whether to wake Bad up or just wait until he did himself. I was too impatient knowing he could of fallen asleep just minutes ago, so I softly shook him and whispered his name. Bad, Bad wake up! Baddddd, come on! I whispered. He mumbled and woke up.
"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, I must've forgotten I had invited you over, my apologies." He said as he gently got up with Skeppy in his arms and placed him back down.

Bad sleeping was the least of my worries, why was Skeppy here?
"It's fine, but why is Skeppy here? I thought you said it was a private talk." I asked
"Oh, yeah I probably should of told you. Skeppy moved in with me, it hasn't been that long but he has gotten comfortable. It still is a private talk, we'll probably just go in a different room." He explained

Skeppy moved in? When? Why was I not informed? I was technically Bad's kid, I'm a little over 18, while he's 27, but he adopted me. No wonder he asked me if I wanted to move in with my boyfriend, he wanted his to move in.

"Am I allowed to move back in, like, with you? Me and Karl broke up, so we don't really want to live together anymore."
"Oh? Yeah that's fine, I'm sure Skeppy won't mind the company."

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